There’re many past and present Buddhist masters in Thailand with great supernatural abilities in conferring blessings, dispelling black magics, and making efficacious amulet talismans. This article will feature some of the best protective amulet works by a holy monk whom had attracted many followers in Malaysia and Singapore for the sacred talismans that are being consecrated and issued within a short span of 5 years (between BE 2548 to BE 2552). This article story will feature the late Luang Phor Kalong - one of the contemporary occult maker of Celestial realms talisman.
This article story would not materialize without the strong encouragement from avid collectors and super fans of Luang Phor Kalong's talismans. From the literature aspect of this article, we have also induced an intriguing Buddhism topic related to the Celestial higher realms and the Dharma within the scope of going towards liberation.
Special thanks to William Yap, Mr. Buapool, Emon and many other kind collectors for contributing their photo archives, Katha recitations and sharing their knowledge in the inexplicable effects of Luang Phor Kalong's symbolic Celestial Universe talismans.
With all the contributing factors coming into place, this article may one day serve as a compendium for Luang Phor Kalong's talisman masterpieces. His simple way of life and many contributions to the society in the form of Dharma medicine will always sparkle in the heart of those who knew him.
A lot of efforts have been made in the past few months to complete this mythological article of this Great Crystal Tooth monk and an alchemist for Celestial Universe talismans. The inclusion of the moon, sun, stars, planets and higher planes of existence are extremely significant to Luang Phor Kalong and to this story. With divine blessings by the late Father Kalong may we present this article story to all discerning readers.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
By nature Luang Phor Kalong is a highly respected and a miraculous monk from Wat Khao Leam in Sakeo Province, Thailand. Certainly Luang Phor Kalong is not the first monk in contemporary Thailand when come to consecrating Brahmanism related amulets of the celestial realms. Nevertheless, he is the most highly respected among gurus in this field of occult practice.
Celestial deities in Hinduism cosmology such as Lord Vishnu, Phra Pirab, Hanuman, Garuda, Brahma, Lersi, Tao Wetsuwan, and also other deities in animal forms such as The Fiery Guardian Ox, The Divine Boar, Kochasri Lion, and other forms of Takrut incantation scrolls are the most powerful talismans ever created in recent time by using magical alchemy to invoke ancient mystical powers onto those holy objects.
In order to have a deeper understanding behind the creations of these sacred celestial talismans, we must take a closer look into the Buddhist's cosmology; the 31 planes of existence that can be perceived by a Buddha's Divine eye (dibbacakkhu) and some of his awakened disciples through the development of jhana meditation. According to the Suttas namely Majjhima Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Digha Nikaya, Khuddaka Nikaya, etc, a Buddha can access all these planes and know all his past lives as well as those of other beings.
This centerpiece of this article will dwell into the very reason why the late Father Kalong would harness the power of these celestial beings i.e. Vishnu, Hanuman, Lersi, celestial animals just to name a few. It was mentioned in Luang Phor Kalong's biography that he was brought to earth to take rebirth by a Lersi (presumably Lersi Saming Prai). Hence, it is imperatively important that Lersi hermit is strongly affiliated with Luang Phor Kalong's life and quite interestingly he had been able to learn magical arts from 108 different Lersi hermits.
Since childhood it's an auspicious sign that this young boy would be destined to be a holy person later in life. He had developed an extra tooth at the middle of his mouth palate. Some commentaries says this special tooth is akin to Hanuman.
This auspicious tooth is sacred because words uttered from Luang Phor Kalong's prophecy holds truth. Whatever he predicted and said will come true.
Katha Bucha Phoo Sing Serming Prai
Yamaham Kru Acariyam Saranam Gato Imina Sak Karena Kru Acariyam Abhipujayami
Dutiyampi Acariyam Saranam Gato Imina Sak Karena Kru Acariyam Abhipujayami
Tatiyampi Acariyam Saranam Gato Imina Sak Karena Kru Acariyam Abhipujayami
Gu Jak Krorb Fah Lair Paen Din. (I will cover the sky and earth)
Gu Jak Krorb Phra Samut Lair Sai Sin. (I will cover the ocean and holy thread)
Gu Jak Krorb Phra In Lair Phra Phrom. (I will cover Indra and Brahma)
Gu Jak Krorb Phra Yom Lair Phra Gan Catu Lok Bahn Dtang See. (I will cover the King of death and the King of hell,all the 4 Guardian King)
Gu Jak Krorb Dtang Tua Gu. (I will cover my whole body)
Gu Pen Luk Phoo Sing Serming Prai. (I am the disciple of Phoo Sing Serming Prai)
Kru Gu Jeung Chai Hai Riak Khun Mon Don Lair Jah Mon Lair Phra Yamon Yah Dai Pai Glai Jak Ton Gu.
(My teacher will summon the virtue of mantra and write mantra and the mantra of the King of death cannot come near me.)
Om Pra Siddhi Gae Gu Sawaha. (May accomplishment be mine.)
The Lersi tradition have high respect for the higher beings such as Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva of the celestial realms in accordance to Brahmin tradition. Lersi are reputed to have special powers and they lived a reclusive life deep inside the forest, on mountains, or in caves; practicing meditative skills as yogis and developing the mind using secret methods handed down from their fore-masters.
Jhanic Mind States
Jhanas are states of deep mental unification which result from the centering of the mind upon a single object with such power of attention that a total immersion in the object takes place. The early suttas speak of four Jhanas, named simply after their numerical position in the series: the first Jhana, the second Jhana, the third Jhana and the forth Jhana.
Based on scriptures, the elusive Lersi are said to possessed various powers such as knowledge of herbal medicines, minerals, magical invocations, and supernatural abilities such as levitation, telepathy, alchemy, mind reading, changing forms and other supernatural abilities.
We will touch a bit about the power of the Jhanic state mind. It is not surprising beings whom attained the level of Arahantship or a high degree of Jhana mental states are able to use mind evocation on water element to obtain clear water such as rain water for example. Mind absorption technique just by staring at the water (Aapo Kasinang) until the inner experience of absorption with water occurs.
Once mastered the use of this mind evocation in conjunction with “Aapo Kasinang” technique, it will enable the master to evoke the water element into another element, such as earth. This is in fact the technique used for Kongkrapan and Maha Ud, which is the effect of making a bullet harmless or a gun refuse to go off when the trigger is pulled. The solid earth element object is turned into a soft watery element, and thus becoming harmless.
In another fashion the hardness, impenetrability and density of stone/earth can be transformed into a softer element to increase Kongkrapan resistance. Likewise, the practitioner could also alter Tejo Kasin (fire element) and Vayo Kasin (air element).
Through yogic mind development and the use of Kasin mind absorption technique, the attained ones could develop ability like walking on water surface (by evoking earth element into the water and transforming it to make it a hard surface over the spot where he is currently standing). It's possible to evoke not only elements such as earth, water, fire and air, but also colors.
In the same way, a Lersi or an Arahant could also dive under the earth too, or float in the air, transport oneself instantly from one place to the another place. Other abilities include divine ears and eyes (ability to see and hear things in other spheres/dimensions), mind reading, and prediction of future events. These higher knowledge also known as "abhinna" in Pali is associated with the higher Jhana level which transcends the norm. We have heard many miraculous stories in the past about such supernatural ability of some highly respected monks.
As mentioned in the Suttas each celestial abode has its own Jhanic state. From a meditator's perspective in order for a master to invoke a particular Deva to confer blessing for a certain amulet during consecration ceremony, the master must be able to enter the corresponding mind state in accordance to the realm. This theory sound illogical to some readers but it's rather intriguing to a certain extent and is best left for your own-self investigation.
In the past during Luang Phor Kalong would invite devas from the celestial realms for assistance in blessing his amulets for the sole purpose of renovating the temples' ordination halls under his care. The invited guests of honor to these major Devapisek and Puttapisek arcane ceremonies are usually held at Wat Suthat in Bangkok.
Like any blessed amulets by pious monks with high Jhanic mental state, the effect of the amulets are suffused with sacred power either in Kongkrapan, Klaew Klaad, Metta, etc. There's no doubt that Luang Phor Kalong had learned many arcane sciences from different masters ranging from Metta, Mahasanay, Kongkrapan to Klaew Klaad during his early days.
However, Luang Phor Kalong's occult knowledge concerning the higher realms of devas were unable to be handed down to any of his disciples simply because these higher occult knowledge was taught to him by Lersi hermit. It requires a higher degree of supramundane knowledge to learn these occult sciences.
What we're dealing with is an ancient art of utilizing the power of the mind to manifest an object of wearable talismans for use on the body. A practitioner like Luang Phor Kalong (having been taught by Lersi on various arcane sciences during his Jhanna mind state), these sacred arts could potentially increase the strength of an ordinary man to a thousand fold.
For instance, invoking his power on the 4 arms Hanuman amulet that emphasize on Kong Krapan's impenetrable skin, Klaew Klad protection against enemy harm, increase in Maha Amnaj (authoritative power) and gain promotion at work. By virtue, Hanuman provides the wearer a lot of physical strength which is rather mysterious and difficult to explain.
The Story Began in 2002
Phra Rahu
Loop Lor Payak Khiew Dab
This piece is made from holy from a 1,000-year-old sacred leads metal obtained from Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Inside this Loop Lor contained 7 types of holy soil mixture and grind tiger tooth powder, At the base bottom is covered with a small piece of tiger skin.
Contrary to popular thinking that this Payak Khiew Dab is invoked with Tiger spirit, in actual fact it is a spirit combination of bear and tiger to make this talisman highly potent.
Video Clip
Loop Lor Luang Phor Kalong
By far this is considered the 1st batch figurine statuette of Luang Phor Kalong in the batch called Krob Sian Phra Lak issued in B.E.2549. This Loop Lor has Luang Phor Kalong's hair, a small piece of 'Jeevon' or monk's robe, and tiger skin attached at the bottom of this figurine.
The unique feature of this Loop Lor is the sacred Yants that are individually scripted using an electric hand tool at the front, back and bottom of the figurine. Therefore, the Yant may not be identical. Howeve, each individual piece is prominently embossed with a temple code and serial numbering at the bottom.
The Yants on the surface (front and back) are not identical from one piece to the other because it's being scripted by temple helpers and monks at Wat Khao Leam. The total pieces produced for this 1st batch Loop Lor are;
Silver = 499 pieces,
Nawak Loha = 4,999 pieces
Takua lead = 9,999 pieces
This Loop Lor is considered rare nowadays and its supreme power in Maha Amnaj cannot be disputed. However, some of the Loop Lor may not have a small piece of 'Jeevon' or monk's robe attached. But from our observation this 1st batch mostly have a small round piece of Tiger skin attached at the bottom.
A powerful all-rounder protective talisman with highly sacred materials in a 'Bao Top' shaped Loop Lor figurine.
Loop Lor 2nd Batch
The 2nd batch of the much awaited Loop Lor was later created in B.E.2551. This second batch Loop Lor featured Luang Phor Kalong holding a Lersi head and inserted with holy powders and a piece of Takrut at the base of the statuette.
Loop Lor is very popular among collectors. This batch is also beautifully crafted, albeit without the tiger skin, monk's robe and hair of Luang Phor Kalong. However, the holy materials at the bottom is being substituted with a Takrut, coin code and minerals.
Takoh Maha Akrom
This is not the conventional Look Om. Its round oval shape may disguise its potential power in protection. In reality this is a Takrut incantation scroll in the form of a Look Om. The smelting process to make this Takoh Maha Akrom is consisted of 1,000 pieces of various Takruts collected from different masters throughout Thailand.
A short story relayed by my cousin not too long ago a fellow colleague was beaten up by more than 10 men. The brawl which took place at a pub in K.L. was a mistaken identity. This victim happened to carry only this Takoh Maha Akrom. After the ordeal, that guy related his story and said that he didn't feel any pain at all when we was being beaten up on that uneventful night at the pub.
To support this Kongkrapan protective power of this Takoh Maha Akrom, we have heard another experience coming from another authentic informer on his experience wearing this round shaped Takrut in an adventure paint ball shooting game. A small paint ball flying at high toward your direction can cause be scary not to mention the thrill of hide-and-seek and getting shot. Wearing helmet, eye goggle and a protective vest does not guarantee the whole body is covered against all the flying paint balls. There're still chances you can get shot at some uncovered areas of the body that will surely cause severe pain. One shot hit this gentleman's vital spot located at the neck that was not protected. Surprisingly he did not feel any pain or a swollen neck. The other chap got hit at the unprotected part of his body had severe pains for several days.
The story behind the making of this special Takoh Maha Akrom was that the 1st generation was created back in B.E.2549 in very limited quantity presumably Luang Phor Kalong was just testing its power before creating more.
The feedback from the Thai authority was its Kongkrapan was too hard and may proof to be a problem later if it is landed on the hands of the wrong people. For that reason, Luang Phor Kalong added more Metta power to give balance to the Kongkrapan function of this Takoh Maha Akrom. All materials and method of making remained similar to the 1st generation.
Khun Paen Saneh Maha Long
Equally powerful in the talisman series consecrated by LP Kalong is the Phra Khun Paen batch in B.E.2548 made from several different materials in limited quantities. The phim design of this Khun Paen batch follows the style of Wat Bankrang in Suphanburi. Its superb Saneh power was perhaps reflected in the name given to this batch called 'Saneh Maha Long'. Only one batch was consecrated by LP Kalong in that year.
Pidta Nak Tora Hod
Outstanding power for Kong Grapan (invulnerability to weapons harm) and wealth luck. Depending on individual's experience, some people may feel the mood of this Phra Pidta to be very "hard", suitable for defensive.
On 23rd February B.E.2550, just merely a year after this Phra Pidta Nak Tora Hod made its debut, a sensational story came out all over Thailand. It's a story about a novice monk at Wat Sutart whom escaped death when a drunkard stabbed this novice with a knife without penetrating into his skin.
A drunkard appeared from no where to Wat Sutart to beg money for his bus fare to go home. A novice named Samanen Uan was seen on his way to take a bath in the temple. The drunkard begged money from Samanen Uan but was courteously declined by Samanen Uan because he doesn't have any money. Samanen Uan then went straight to the bathroom. This made the drunkard furious and threw tantrum by throwing things all over the temple compound.
When Samanen Uan came out from the bathroom and saw what happened he began to scream for help. This made the drunkard even more furious and he whipped out a sharp knife and stabbed Samanen Uan. Samanen Uan was carrying 2 holy objects with him at that time of the incident - a Rian Narai Plaeng Roop and Phra Pidta Nak Tora Hod. Unbelievably Samanen Uan survived the knife attack and told his tales later.
When Samenen Uan arrived at the hospital, the doctor and police officer didn't see any open wound that is supposedly inflicted by the man's knife. Only red scratches were seen on his body torso. Although,there are bloods on his body but he did not really bleed because the blood appeared to be watery like glutinous lump.
We could not ascertain whether it's the Rian Narai Plaeng Roop or this Phra Pidta Nak Tora Hod that actually saved this young novice life. But we do know that both of this sacred amulet came out in B.E.2549 that was made with strong protective power.
Katha Pidta Nak Tora Hod
Anitang Na Ak Ang
Piti Gaya Ak Sung Sak
Pawahay Tang Ang Toh Uk
It Ak-Yak Tu Hay
Nak Bu Da Ya
Kong Kong Ak
Ang Ang Ak
Ang Tang Wu Toh
Toh Ut Tang Ak
Yang Tang Pi Mit Pit
It-ti Pit Na Pit
Arahang Buddho Sang-Mi
Pidta Nak Tora Hod received the longest period of chanting for almost 2 years before it was released in B.E.2549. Special feature of this Pidta is the Yant Orahang at the face, Yant Na Patthamang and Dok Muanlok at the knees, and Yant Dok Sorndok at its base bottom with serial numbers.
Phaya Moo Paeng Din
This auspicious wild boar gives prosperity at career, brings luck and attract strong wealth. There's only 2 batches of this Moo Paeng Din series been created. The first batch was created in B.E.2549 followed by the second batch in B.E.2550.
LP Kalong's Moo Plaen Din's are heavily decorated with sacred yantra and passed through various blessing ceremonies before its release form the temple.
Video Clip
Rian Narai Kwangjak Jakapat
Extra large and extra powerful Rian medallion with Phra Rarai 'Kwangjak' in the Jakapat series blessed in B.E.2551 together with Takrut Narai Jakapat.
Narai Tawat Himapan
Phra Narai serving as the Protector of the Universe is best depicted in this Rian. This Rian medallion is also known as "Tehshowchayakorn" batch to celebrate Luang Phor Kalong's 93rd birthday released on Songkran Day in B.E.2552.
This copper rian Narai Tawat Himapan brings great authority Maha Amnaj and protection against danger.
Phayak 5 Phalang Tiger
Known as the Five Phalang (Tiger) this is another powerful Rian medallion that is highly commendable for its superior protective and authoritative powers.
Among all the B.E.2551 issuance, this 5 Phalang is equally famous among other Luang Phor Kalong's collectible series due to its sacred yant inscriptions that are embedded onto the medallion.
This is an all-rounder amulet for personal protection and a great companion in career success. This Phayak 5 Phalang has several distinctive marks that makes it highly popular. At the front Luang Phor Kalong is sitting on a tiger flanked by Lersi Pu Sing Samingprai and Pu Ser Samingprai on each sides. A closed eye Pidta is seated on the upper left jeevon (monk's robe). At the rear there are 4 roaring Tigers at the 4 corners while another Tiger at the center-top with jaw holding a dagger.
Some commentaries mentioned that this Rian medallion brings special luck due to the Lersi enhanced power. Apart from Maha Amnaj (authority and command) and strong protective power, this medallion is certainly an alchemist masterpiece using a combination of Lersi Pu Sing & Pu Ser, Pidta and Tiger yantra.
Because of this 5 Phalang phim's popularity, fakes are bound to flood the market. For study purpose, we have an example in the above. At this point in time there're A grade fakes already since 2002 that look even more real to fool the eyes of any novice collectors.
Phaya KoChaSri Ban Lue See Nhat
Lion King or popularly known as Kochasri with extremely big foot possesses extraordinary strength, authority and good fortune. All these are the characteristic of a leader.
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (3 times)
Singha natang Singha palang
Singha yaso Singha palang
Singha yaso Singha sati
Singha bhahu Iti mu li
Fiery Arrow Guardian Ox
Tanoo in Thai is ox. This is a golden ox in the sense that it ward off robbery, black magic attack and draw upon fortune. Suitable to hang on the waist level, this fiery arrow guardian ox is highly versatile for different applications and can be carried around anywhere you go.
The material of this Guardian Ox is made from ancient old Cambodian metals e.g. coins, swords, etc. that were buried in ruins. Luang Phor Kalong instructed his followers to the exact location in Cambodia to these thousand years old antiques back to Wat Khao Leam in order to re-use its strong emission energy to cast this Brahmanism divine bull. Subsequently this sacred ox was issued during a Wai Kru ceremony on May B.E.2551.
Phaya Khotchasan Prap Hong Sa
Consecrated in B.E.2552, this triumphant elephant defeating Hong Sa is a classic example of the celestial realm. At the base of this elephant is a mixture of holy wax and powder, a coin and silver Takrut.
Luang Pu Thuad Roon Trimas '50
Consecrated in B.E.2550 this material is made from Bailan (burnt manuscript) added with sacred magic powders with Chang elephant yant scripture. The elephant scripture is called Yant Phaya Chang Chat Than derived from an ancient magic book from Wat Pradoo Songtham.
The material description for this batch is Nuer Din Gak Yayak mix with Mai Ngiew Dam powder. The body of Luang Pu Thuad image is elegantly glazed with gold enamel paint for this showpiece. From this same batch some of this Trimas '50 do not have gold glaze. A total of 19,999 pieces are consecrated for this batch on 6 Maha Phuttaphisek blessing rituals led by LP Kalong and many other senior monks during that era.
Ajahn Toh Loop Lor
This statuette of Somdej Toh Prommarungsi Wat Rakang holding a bowl came into the dream of Luang Phor Kalong. Grand Mahaputtaphisek was held on 9th September 2009 (B.E.2552) at Wat Suthat in Bangkok. This was followed by a Devaphisek ceremony held on the 11th to 13th September 2009 by inviting Lersi Saming Prai.
Among the Buddhist Kaeji monks invited to the chanting ceremonies for this batch are Luang Phor Daeng Wat Houycha, Luang Phor Nuam Wat Phosrichalern, Luang Phor Aun Wat Thumakhosok, etc. Made from Nawak metal at the base of this statuette contained holy materials obtained from Wat Rakang's sermon hall ceiling. Every piece is inserted with a piece of Takrut.
For study purpose, Ajhan Toh's loop lor figurine early generation have been issued before dating back B.E.2545 and B.E.2550 respectively. Therefore, the one featured here B.E.2552 is considered the last loop lor every created.

Along with Ajahn Toh's figurines issued is also Luang Pu Tuad's figurine in both years B.E.2545 and B.E.2550. Compare the differences.
Locket Kiew Geow Prakasit
Imina Sakkarena Buddha Maha nuphawo
Imina Sakkarena Dhamma Maha nuphawo
Imina Sakkarena Sangha Maha nuphawo
Imeyanta Maha decha Maha-nupata-catika
Maha mangala Sambuddha
Antara Yewinasanti
Sappa Sukkha Sambuddha Anicca Gunanta Na Napako
Sappa dukkang, Sappa paiyang, Sappa rokhang winasanti
Sappa laphang, Sappa suphang bhavantumae
Satta tha-nang akan-thi-thang
Tat-tawa wishat-che-thang
Natasi ak-sissasit Taknuchewa sat-te-a-wu tanicha
Pakka Pakka wijunang-ni Lomang mame
Na Bhudsanti
Yatha bud mona, kluk krit-tina Mae Tohrani chuei
Na tho tini una
Na phut phappfret
Na santarang
Na yan-tangsantang
Wi-kleung klak le Sususama I
Buddhang khong nang
Dhammang khong nuea
Sangkang khong kraduk
Khong-tri duai Namo Buddhaya
Khong-tri duai Ma-a-uk
Khong-tri me a-ma-uk
Takrut Nang Seua
A sacred incantation scroll made from lead material wrapped with Tiger skin. This Takrut was issued in B.E.2550.
There are many Takrut series being produced for example Takrut Jakapat Narai B.E.2551, Takrut Narai Plaeng Roop B.E.2549, etc. You can find more of the other variations at the Super Fans Collection segment.
Takrut Dok Mai Sawan
This small Takrut is the shortest in the range of all Luang Phor Kalong's collection. Small and yet powerful in Metta generation suitable for doing business or sales persons. It has earned many nicknames including small little fire chilly or "Lart Chew Chai" in Cantonese.
Released in B.E.2550 during a Wai Kru ceremony at Wat Khao Leam. The quantity of this batch is the highest being made totaled 19,999 pieces as compared to other Takruts. According to Luang Phor Kalong the main ingredient of this Dok Mai Sawan is a special type of flower pollen collected from heaven.
Dok Mai Sawan's Blessing Events
1. Blessing to enhance luck for 1 year by Lp.Kalong
2. Puttaphisek blessing at Wat Boonrod on 1st April B.E.2549
3. Puttaphisek blessing held at Wat Suthat 8-10 July B.E.2549
4. Puttaphisek blessing again on 5 December at Wat Suthat
5. Puttaphisek blessing on solar eclipse in Mar B.E.2550 at Wat Suthat
6. Puttaphisek blessing on the 5th Saturday at Wat Suthat
7. Lp.Kalong's Wai-kru master ceremony on 19-21 May B.E.2550
Takrut Narai Jakapat B.E.2551
Extremely beautiful this Takrut Maha Jakkapat Narai "Long Rak Pid Tong" has multiple blessings in the form of Kong Krapan Chatri (Invincibility) and Klaew Klaad (Escape from Dangers), Maha Larp, Maha Pokasap, Maha Amnaj (Authoritative Commanding Power) and the distinctive Lord Vishnu's great Metta Mahaniyom (Compassionate Love).
This Takrut Narai Jakapat was consecrated and issued in B.E.2551 together with the Rian medallion. The length of this Takrut is 6 inches suitable for placing at home altar. Occasionally you may put to wear on your body to test its multiple effects.
Katha Takrut Narai Jakapat
Itipiso Wisae Sae It
It Sae Sae Putta Na Mae It
It Mae Naa Putta
Tang So Eso Tang
Putta BiTi It
It Sawaa Sut
Sut Sawaa It
Na Mo Puttaya Phra Putta
Radtanayaan Manee Nopparat See Sahassa
Sutammaa Putto Tammo Sangko Yataa Put Mo Na
Putta Buchaa Tamma Buchaa Sangka Buchaa
Akee Taanang Warang Kantang Siwalee Ja Mahaa Thaerang
Ahang Wantaami Turadto Ahang Wantaami Taadtuyo
Ahang Wantaami Sappaso Putta Tamma Sangka Buchaemi
Takrut Samkasat
This small takrut 'Samkasat' (3 types of metals) solely consecrated at Wat Khao Leam. Early production scale in small quantity.
Bracelet 'Prakasit Maha Setthi'
Maha Setthi (Millionaire) bracelet issued in B.E.2551.
Other Sacred Collections


Tao Wesuwan - Guardian of The North
Tao Wesuwan is also referred to as Lord of Wealth by Thai worshipers. Tao Wesuwan is a powerful deity in the Thai society at large. In LP Kalong's amulet series Tao Wesuwan comes in 2 different faces, the Angelic and Yakka. Tao Wesuwan is said to be residing in the Celestial realm of the 4 Demons. This realm is also called Jathu Maha Raja Chika. The four quarters of this realm are ruled by 4 Lords namely Tao Tadtaratha Lord of the East, Tao Wirulabpaks Lord of the South, Tao Wirunlahog Lord of the West, and Tao Wesuwan Lord of the North and happened to be the most wealthy and rich Lord of Demon due to his past good karma.
Tao Wesuwan should also be revered by businessmen, sales person, and anyone who wishes to increase his financial and material wealth. Also in times of hardship and poverty, one should revere Tao Wessuwan and he will enable you to have enough money to pay your bills and the cost of living with without any difficulty. It is interesting to note that in this present day Tao Wesuwan is more often revered for the material wealth aspect more than for his ability to fend off ghosts and demons.
Itipiso Bhagawa Yommarachano
Thao Wessuwunno
Morranung Sukkung
A-hung Sukkato
Na Mo Put Ta Ya
Thao Wessuwunno
Jatu Maha Raja chika
Yakka Phanta Pat Purito
Wessa Putsa
Puttung Arahung Putto
Thao Wessuwunno
Na Mo Put Ta Ya
(Repeat above chanting 9 times)
Phra Kring B.E.2547 (1st Batch)
The above is an old newspaper cutting showing the B.E.2547 batch from Wat Khao Leam for generating funds to the building of temple ordination halls. This marked the beginning for other consecutive batches until the final batch in B.E.2552.
Phaya Hanuman Namsap Chern Song Rajasee
Roon Raek the first generation Hanuman by Luang Phor Kalong consecrated in B.E.2547. This Hanuman Chern Song Rajasee was issued together with the first generation Phra Kring at Wat Khao Leam. This Hanuman first batch was blessed for 3 months before it underwent another 9 more major blessing ceremonies prior to releasing that year in B.E.2547.

Removing obstacles ahead, gain strength and vigor, gaining divine knowledge of the universe, subduing bad dreams, spiritual awareness, and encouraging good karma are some of the miraculous effects of Hanuman's benefaction. All batches of Hanuman talismans consecrated by Luang Phor Kalong (until the last batch in B.E.2552) each has its own different effects. Only the wearer can tell from his or her own experience.
Hanuman B.E.2547 Katha (Riding Rajasee)
OM Phra Hanuman Phra Long Gar
OM JuTi Lo Tang
SawaHa NaMaPaTa
NaMo Phut TaYa
Hanumana SungSaTang
YooWa PaWa
OM KongTrePetch ChaKong
KongTua SahRaPang Guy
GaRaMaTha GiRiMiTi
Gu Ru MuThu Gay Ray May Tay
HaNuHuNi HiNaHa
Phra Phut Tung Jang Lek
TreePetchChaKong JangLek
Phra Thum Mang Jang Lek
TreePetchChaKong JangLek
Phra Sung Kang Jang Lek
TreePetchCha Kong Jang Lek
Oot Tang Art A - Jung Nung
A - Pa Wa Hay NaLaNuLu song
Na A - WiWay
YaTaMa - A
Hanumana NaSung SaTang
SaWaHa SaWaHa
A-Hi It-Ti-RiT
Phra Kring Narai Jakapat B.E.2551
In conjunction with Narai Jakapat '51, this is to be considered the 2nd batch Phra Kring. The appearance is completely different amid more elegant from the conventional Phra Kring.
Lersi Samingprai Khon Mask
A fabulous khon mask of Lersi Samingprai issued in B.E.2552. Delicately hand painted and stuffed with holy powder mix, 3 pieces of Takrut scrolls, and a small Lersi emblem.
Phra Lersi Samingprai had played a crucial role by assisting Luang Phor Kalong in finding some of the most precious buried treasures for making great talismans from B.E.2547 onward. We are almost certain that Lersi Samingprai as a Teacher have great influence in teaching Luang Phor Kalong with occult sciences and alchemy of the highest level.
The Final B.E.2552
The proverb 'All good things must come to an end' holds truth in Buddhist doctrine. Nothing stays forever due to the flux of impermanence "anicca" that leads to suffering "dukkha" and then arises non-self "anatta".
This is one of the final Rian medallion that is rather special with Luang Phor Kalong holding Lersi Pu Sing flanked by Salika bird on each sides. A divine boar standing on clouds at the back of the Rian.
"All the sacred objects which I consecrated with my concentrated mind thereafter will be invaluable and will exceed the value of golds. It will eventually be even more difficult to come across than jewels."
The above prophesy statement was made by Luang Phor Kalong, a great celestial alchemist before his passing on the 12th of September 2009 (B.E.2552) at the age of 91 years old after serving 70 years in the Sangha Order.
Even though you may own just only 1 piece of Luang Phor Kalong's amulet in your possession, you never know some day the prophesy may come true in a miraculous way for your own benefit.
We have provided some Katha phrases for empowering the respective talisman in this article story. However, under any circumstances if you don't have the specific Katha to chant when wearing Father Kalong's amulet, just think of Luang Phor Kalong at heart and wear it.
To make it effective before wearing any amulet without their specific Katha, this simple guide
is for general use.
- Make your mind calm, think of all the goodness you have done. Focus all your faith to Buddha
- Put your amulets onto your palms and join your hands together
- Breathe in deeply and slowly
- Then chant 3 times of this core Mantra:
"Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Samuddhasa"
The above verse means we are now paying respect to the Lord Buddha who has done great goodness. Then request with your own language for his help saying "I, a humble one, invite the Lord Buddha and Luang Phor..... [name(s)] to protect me all day long and bring me good luck, victory, and fulfill all my wishes."
Then say the following
"BudDhang PraSitThiMae, DhamMang PraSitThiMae, Sangkhang PraSitThiMae."
The meaning of this verse is may Lord Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha (Triple Gems) bless all my request. Put the chain of amulets on your neck and wear it.
Alternatively, you may also use Luang Phor Kalong's simple verse. Make a wish while holding the amulet and think of Luang Phor Kalong for help in granting your wish. Then chant the phrase below for 3 times.
Uk - Ka - Sa
Uk - Ka - Sa
Uk - Ka - Sa
Thaprachao Kor Aratana
Pra Puttang Khun Nang
Pra Tammang Khun Nang
Pra Sangkang Khun Nang
Mak Ak Uk
Uk Mak Ak
Within a short few years there's been numerous fakes and replicas flooding the marketplace. As always throughout past history whenever an amulet gain popularity among collectors, the fakes and replicas will begin to surface. These so called the "1st generation fakes" are easy to spot but they will only improve to the next higher grade when the market value of genuine Luang Phor Kalong's amulets rise higher. So be wise and do your own research.
We've made every effort to ensure that all the sacred items published here in this article are genuine Luang Phor Kalong's talismans for the sake of information sharing as an occult amulet hobbyist collector. We hope the information here is sufficient enough as a good reading with all the necessarily basic knowledge to understand the alchemy of making powerful Celestial amulets. Apart from the smelting of a thousand years old material in the making, a high level Jhanic mind is an important aspect to make these amulets efficacious to manifest its power manifolds by this Crystal Tooth master.
Super Fans and Collectors
We don't simply call this Super Fans if they're not die-hard supporters of Luang Phor Kalong's miraculous amulets. Many stories have been retold by people whom have good experience wearing those holy Celestial talismans which make them highly desirable. Bulky and heavy, each piece has its own aesthetic spiritual value. Here are some of the greatest private collections we've ever seen from some super fans of the late Crystal Tooth monk Luang Phor Kalong.
This article story would not materialize without the strong encouragement from avid collectors and super fans of Luang Phor Kalong's talismans. From the literature aspect of this article, we have also induced an intriguing Buddhism topic related to the Celestial higher realms and the Dharma within the scope of going towards liberation.
Special thanks to William Yap, Mr. Buapool, Emon and many other kind collectors for contributing their photo archives, Katha recitations and sharing their knowledge in the inexplicable effects of Luang Phor Kalong's symbolic Celestial Universe talismans.
With all the contributing factors coming into place, this article may one day serve as a compendium for Luang Phor Kalong's talisman masterpieces. His simple way of life and many contributions to the society in the form of Dharma medicine will always sparkle in the heart of those who knew him.
A lot of efforts have been made in the past few months to complete this mythological article of this Great Crystal Tooth monk and an alchemist for Celestial Universe talismans. The inclusion of the moon, sun, stars, planets and higher planes of existence are extremely significant to Luang Phor Kalong and to this story. With divine blessings by the late Father Kalong may we present this article story to all discerning readers.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
By nature Luang Phor Kalong is a highly respected and a miraculous monk from Wat Khao Leam in Sakeo Province, Thailand. Certainly Luang Phor Kalong is not the first monk in contemporary Thailand when come to consecrating Brahmanism related amulets of the celestial realms. Nevertheless, he is the most highly respected among gurus in this field of occult practice.
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1918 - 2009 |
Celestial deities in Hinduism cosmology such as Lord Vishnu, Phra Pirab, Hanuman, Garuda, Brahma, Lersi, Tao Wetsuwan, and also other deities in animal forms such as The Fiery Guardian Ox, The Divine Boar, Kochasri Lion, and other forms of Takrut incantation scrolls are the most powerful talismans ever created in recent time by using magical alchemy to invoke ancient mystical powers onto those holy objects.
In order to have a deeper understanding behind the creations of these sacred celestial talismans, we must take a closer look into the Buddhist's cosmology; the 31 planes of existence that can be perceived by a Buddha's Divine eye (dibbacakkhu) and some of his awakened disciples through the development of jhana meditation. According to the Suttas namely Majjhima Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Digha Nikaya, Khuddaka Nikaya, etc, a Buddha can access all these planes and know all his past lives as well as those of other beings.
This centerpiece of this article will dwell into the very reason why the late Father Kalong would harness the power of these celestial beings i.e. Vishnu, Hanuman, Lersi, celestial animals just to name a few. It was mentioned in Luang Phor Kalong's biography that he was brought to earth to take rebirth by a Lersi (presumably Lersi Saming Prai). Hence, it is imperatively important that Lersi hermit is strongly affiliated with Luang Phor Kalong's life and quite interestingly he had been able to learn magical arts from 108 different Lersi hermits.
Since childhood it's an auspicious sign that this young boy would be destined to be a holy person later in life. He had developed an extra tooth at the middle of his mouth palate. Some commentaries says this special tooth is akin to Hanuman.
This auspicious tooth is sacred because words uttered from Luang Phor Kalong's prophecy holds truth. Whatever he predicted and said will come true.
Katha Bucha Phoo Sing Serming Prai
Yamaham Kru Acariyam Saranam Gato Imina Sak Karena Kru Acariyam Abhipujayami
Dutiyampi Acariyam Saranam Gato Imina Sak Karena Kru Acariyam Abhipujayami
Tatiyampi Acariyam Saranam Gato Imina Sak Karena Kru Acariyam Abhipujayami
Gu Jak Krorb Fah Lair Paen Din. (I will cover the sky and earth)
Gu Jak Krorb Phra Samut Lair Sai Sin. (I will cover the ocean and holy thread)
Gu Jak Krorb Phra In Lair Phra Phrom. (I will cover Indra and Brahma)
Gu Jak Krorb Phra Yom Lair Phra Gan Catu Lok Bahn Dtang See. (I will cover the King of death and the King of hell,all the 4 Guardian King)
Gu Jak Krorb Dtang Tua Gu. (I will cover my whole body)
Gu Pen Luk Phoo Sing Serming Prai. (I am the disciple of Phoo Sing Serming Prai)
Kru Gu Jeung Chai Hai Riak Khun Mon Don Lair Jah Mon Lair Phra Yamon Yah Dai Pai Glai Jak Ton Gu.
(My teacher will summon the virtue of mantra and write mantra and the mantra of the King of death cannot come near me.)
Om Pra Siddhi Gae Gu Sawaha. (May accomplishment be mine.)
The Lersi tradition have high respect for the higher beings such as Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva of the celestial realms in accordance to Brahmin tradition. Lersi are reputed to have special powers and they lived a reclusive life deep inside the forest, on mountains, or in caves; practicing meditative skills as yogis and developing the mind using secret methods handed down from their fore-masters.
Jhanic Mind States
Jhanas are states of deep mental unification which result from the centering of the mind upon a single object with such power of attention that a total immersion in the object takes place. The early suttas speak of four Jhanas, named simply after their numerical position in the series: the first Jhana, the second Jhana, the third Jhana and the forth Jhana.
Based on scriptures, the elusive Lersi are said to possessed various powers such as knowledge of herbal medicines, minerals, magical invocations, and supernatural abilities such as levitation, telepathy, alchemy, mind reading, changing forms and other supernatural abilities.
We will touch a bit about the power of the Jhanic state mind. It is not surprising beings whom attained the level of Arahantship or a high degree of Jhana mental states are able to use mind evocation on water element to obtain clear water such as rain water for example. Mind absorption technique just by staring at the water (Aapo Kasinang) until the inner experience of absorption with water occurs.
Once mastered the use of this mind evocation in conjunction with “Aapo Kasinang” technique, it will enable the master to evoke the water element into another element, such as earth. This is in fact the technique used for Kongkrapan and Maha Ud, which is the effect of making a bullet harmless or a gun refuse to go off when the trigger is pulled. The solid earth element object is turned into a soft watery element, and thus becoming harmless.
In another fashion the hardness, impenetrability and density of stone/earth can be transformed into a softer element to increase Kongkrapan resistance. Likewise, the practitioner could also alter Tejo Kasin (fire element) and Vayo Kasin (air element).
Through yogic mind development and the use of Kasin mind absorption technique, the attained ones could develop ability like walking on water surface (by evoking earth element into the water and transforming it to make it a hard surface over the spot where he is currently standing). It's possible to evoke not only elements such as earth, water, fire and air, but also colors.
In the same way, a Lersi or an Arahant could also dive under the earth too, or float in the air, transport oneself instantly from one place to the another place. Other abilities include divine ears and eyes (ability to see and hear things in other spheres/dimensions), mind reading, and prediction of future events. These higher knowledge also known as "abhinna" in Pali is associated with the higher Jhana level which transcends the norm. We have heard many miraculous stories in the past about such supernatural ability of some highly respected monks.
In the past during Luang Phor Kalong would invite devas from the celestial realms for assistance in blessing his amulets for the sole purpose of renovating the temples' ordination halls under his care. The invited guests of honor to these major Devapisek and Puttapisek arcane ceremonies are usually held at Wat Suthat in Bangkok.
Like any blessed amulets by pious monks with high Jhanic mental state, the effect of the amulets are suffused with sacred power either in Kongkrapan, Klaew Klaad, Metta, etc. There's no doubt that Luang Phor Kalong had learned many arcane sciences from different masters ranging from Metta, Mahasanay, Kongkrapan to Klaew Klaad during his early days.
However, Luang Phor Kalong's occult knowledge concerning the higher realms of devas were unable to be handed down to any of his disciples simply because these higher occult knowledge was taught to him by Lersi hermit. It requires a higher degree of supramundane knowledge to learn these occult sciences.
What we're dealing with is an ancient art of utilizing the power of the mind to manifest an object of wearable talismans for use on the body. A practitioner like Luang Phor Kalong (having been taught by Lersi on various arcane sciences during his Jhanna mind state), these sacred arts could potentially increase the strength of an ordinary man to a thousand fold.
For instance, invoking his power on the 4 arms Hanuman amulet that emphasize on Kong Krapan's impenetrable skin, Klaew Klad protection against enemy harm, increase in Maha Amnaj (authoritative power) and gain promotion at work. By virtue, Hanuman provides the wearer a lot of physical strength which is rather mysterious and difficult to explain.
The Story Began in 2002
We shall rewind our story back to the year 2002 (B.E. 2545). That year Luang Phor Kalong actually passed away. After his last breath, his mind consciousness entered the Jhanas and had met Ajahn Toh, Luang Pu Tuad, Phra Sivali, and other divine deities in the higher realms of existence.
Luang Phor Kalong recount his extraordinary experience at the celestial realms and also having met Lord Vishnu. Because of his impeccable holy life and had done many meritorious deeds in spreading Buddhism during his lifetime, he was granted a wish by Lord Vishnu. After careful thought, Luang Phor Kalong wished that he could prolong his life in the human world in order to complete his leftover tasks in constructing the unfinished temples. Lord Vishnu then fulfilled Luang Phor Kalong's noble wish to return to the mortal world for another 10 years to complete his tasks.
The physical body of Luang Phor Kalong was taken back to the temple after doctor had certified him dead. While other monks are busy preparing for his funeral rites on that evening, Luang Phor Kalong gradually woke up from his coffin while other monks are busy preparing for his funeral. This incident shocked everyone.
According to Buddhist cosmology about the different Planes of Existence, Luang Phor Kalong must have entered into the Rupa Loka realm and also met some of the past Buddhist Theras (e.g. Ajahn Toh, Luang Pu Tuad, etc). It's said that Arahant and non-returners Anagami (individuals whom cultivated the Noble 8 Fold Path) will inhibit in this realm.
The information on the 31 Planes of Existence was assembled from a variety of sources. In the interest of this article to include this complex cosmology into the story line, all the assembled information we attribute to their respective sources.
While Buddhism does not believe in the existence in eternal God who is the cause of the causes, it does believe in the existence of noble beings or gods of heavens. The Buddhist texts mentioned the names of several gods whose names are similar in many cases to their counterpart in Hinduism deities.
Some of the gods whose names appear frequently in the Buddhist Pali Canon are Brahma, Indra, Vishnu, Shiva (Mahadeva), Yasa, Soma, Aapo (Varuna), Vayo, Tejo, Surya, Pajapati, Lakshmi, Pritvi, Usha, Kuvera and Garuda. The Buddhist texts also refer the existence of celestial beings such as Yakkhas, Gandhabas, Nagas and demons.
While the deities in Hinduism aspect are believed to be eternal, those of Buddhism are not. In Buddhist aspect, deities aforementioned here live for a longer duration of time, but like all beings, they are prone to decay and subject to the cycle of births and deaths.
The Bodhisattvas are truth beings, who are fully qualified for Nibbana. However, out of compassion they decide to postpone their liberation and work for alleviating the suffering of the sentient beings upon earth. This may be the case of Luang Pu Thuad and others whom had attained the fruits of becoming Bodhisattvas.
The primordial Buddhas (previous Buddhas since the beginning of time) are personalized embodiment of different aspects of Buddha Nature, possessing dharmakayas (bodies of truth). Since gods, devas and other celestial beings are not liberated beings, their actions have consequences and like humans, they are also subject to the laws of Karma. Therefore, if gods indulge in wrong actions, it will lead to their downfall. The same is not true in case of primordial Buddhas. They are not subject to decay and they possess immense supernatural powers.
Life in heaven is not a class privilege. The gods are not created by a supreme Being. They reach the world of gods through self-effort and good karma. Ordinary human beings, through their good effort can be reborn in the worlds of gods. Although it is not encouraged, Buddhism does not rule out the possibility of humans taking birth in the heavenly sphere of gods and thereafter having lost their virtue and due to bad karma, taking rebirth in our world again. Since life in heaven is equal conducive to suffering, Buddhists aim for liberation rather than rebirth in the heavens.
The origin of Buddhism is deep-rooted in the ascetic and and monastic traditions of ancient India. The Buddha did not advise the monks to indulge in ritual worship or venerate him or other beings with devotion. Buddhism is primarily a monastic and ascetic religion, with some aspects of theism, borrowed mostly from Hinduism and some aspects of atheism similar to Jainism. Buddhism adapted the theistic practices of Hinduism mostly in the context of its own teachings and for the ultimate purpose of facilitating Nibbana through individual effort rather than divine intervention. Buddhist followers aimed for only two objectives, namely The Dhamma teachings and Nibbana. It is a tradition uniquely human, intellectual, practical and rooted in verifiable, perceptual experience.
A Wish Fulfilled
After Luang Phor Kalong's wish to return to the human realm was granted by Lord Vishnu, he diligently worked his way to gather funds to fulfill his wish in restoring and building 9 ordination temple halls under his care.
Just a point to take note. There're various types of Takrut sacred incantation scrolls, Rian medallion, powder based amulets e.g. Somdej were made by Luang Phor Kalong at other temples during the early days before B.E. 2545.
Another example is this GumanThep (see below) which was made by Luang Phor Kalong at another temple before Wat Khao Leam back in B.E.2539.
In the later years B.E.2546 he started consecrating more powerful medals, loop lor, phayant, Lersi bucha, etc. of the celestial realms by using ancient alchemy methods. These supernatural alchemy knowledge is said to have been imparted to Luang Phor Kalong by Lersi Samping Prai.
The Making in B.E.2548
The B.E.2548 batch is also known as Roon Maha Baramee. This batch includes a very rare Tiger tooth soaked in holy tiger oil. A very rare item measuring 5cm and highly prized among occult collectors.
Devaphisek Ceremony
All the occult amulets and talismans that had undergone Devaphisek's consecration during that period of time at Wat Khao Leam are highly sacred and are made in honor of the respective celestial beings whom he had met during his short stint of time at the higher realms. In our opinion the B.E.2550 batch is the most popular of all the series of consecration (from B.E.2547 to B.E.2552 the final batch). This is probably due to Luang Phor Kalong's popularity had taken Thailand by storm. His popularity spread to other nearby countries in South East Asia.
Luang Phor Kalong's amulet consecrations, the Puttaphiseks are jointly blessed together with other senior Kaeji monks whom came from other parts of Thailand. Sometimes the consecration will involve blessings from heavenly realms and is called Devaphisek. Giving an example of a Devaphisek ceremony is the consecration of Lak Nha Thong batch Krob Sian Phra Lak '50 – a good blessing ceremony conducted in B.E.2550 for top charming, great kindness and fortune support to the beholder.
We have provided many unseen before photos during the blessing ceremonies in that era for your reference. Sacred incantation scrolls of various types normally associated with strong protective powers are best described for Luang Phor Kalong's takrut.
Luang Phor Kalong's popularity grew tremendously at the time during the height of Jatukam amulets. Other amulets during that period of time may have some setback but Luang Phor Kalong's amulets was equivalently famous and on par along with Jatukam's fame.
Whichever way we look at it, he's the top monk at Sa Kaeo Province during that era and people from far and near knew about his miraculous talismans and his final wish. All his creations are considered highly sacred. This is because the secret of finding certain potent ingredients for mixture into the materials for making those talismans are being revealed to him by patron Devas and Lersi.

Occult sciences of Luang Phor Kalong command high respect from all amulet enthusiasts. People will will raise their palms together in gesture of respect as the earth trembles when Luang Phor Kalong create those remarkable Ramayana's classic powerful amulets.
Video Clip
The sacred amulets that we knew today are from the auspicious consecrated ceremonies held between B.E.2548 to B.E.2552. The photos here are merely examples taken during these blessing events. It is very unfortunate that the occult sciences was unable to be handed down to his disciples and this supreme arcane knowledge is considered lost after the passing away of Luang Phor Kalong.
A point to note. Luang Phor Kalong was initially granted 10 years lifespan by Lord Vishnu. However, his passing away in B.E.2552 was just 7 years extra lifespan. This is because Luang Phor Kalong had fulfilled his wish 3 years earlier than expected. This is the life story of the Crystal Tooth master.
War Strategy & Divine Powers
The physical body of Luang Phor Kalong was taken back to the temple after doctor had certified him dead. While other monks are busy preparing for his funeral rites on that evening, Luang Phor Kalong gradually woke up from his coffin while other monks are busy preparing for his funeral. This incident shocked everyone.
According to Buddhist cosmology about the different Planes of Existence, Luang Phor Kalong must have entered into the Rupa Loka realm and also met some of the past Buddhist Theras (e.g. Ajahn Toh, Luang Pu Tuad, etc). It's said that Arahant and non-returners Anagami (individuals whom cultivated the Noble 8 Fold Path) will inhibit in this realm.
The information on the 31 Planes of Existence was assembled from a variety of sources. In the interest of this article to include this complex cosmology into the story line, all the assembled information we attribute to their respective sources.
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The chart may help explain about the 31 planes of existence. |
While Buddhism does not believe in the existence in eternal God who is the cause of the causes, it does believe in the existence of noble beings or gods of heavens. The Buddhist texts mentioned the names of several gods whose names are similar in many cases to their counterpart in Hinduism deities.
Some of the gods whose names appear frequently in the Buddhist Pali Canon are Brahma, Indra, Vishnu, Shiva (Mahadeva), Yasa, Soma, Aapo (Varuna), Vayo, Tejo, Surya, Pajapati, Lakshmi, Pritvi, Usha, Kuvera and Garuda. The Buddhist texts also refer the existence of celestial beings such as Yakkhas, Gandhabas, Nagas and demons.
While the deities in Hinduism aspect are believed to be eternal, those of Buddhism are not. In Buddhist aspect, deities aforementioned here live for a longer duration of time, but like all beings, they are prone to decay and subject to the cycle of births and deaths.
The Bodhisattvas are truth beings, who are fully qualified for Nibbana. However, out of compassion they decide to postpone their liberation and work for alleviating the suffering of the sentient beings upon earth. This may be the case of Luang Pu Thuad and others whom had attained the fruits of becoming Bodhisattvas.
The primordial Buddhas (previous Buddhas since the beginning of time) are personalized embodiment of different aspects of Buddha Nature, possessing dharmakayas (bodies of truth). Since gods, devas and other celestial beings are not liberated beings, their actions have consequences and like humans, they are also subject to the laws of Karma. Therefore, if gods indulge in wrong actions, it will lead to their downfall. The same is not true in case of primordial Buddhas. They are not subject to decay and they possess immense supernatural powers.
Life in heaven is not a class privilege. The gods are not created by a supreme Being. They reach the world of gods through self-effort and good karma. Ordinary human beings, through their good effort can be reborn in the worlds of gods. Although it is not encouraged, Buddhism does not rule out the possibility of humans taking birth in the heavenly sphere of gods and thereafter having lost their virtue and due to bad karma, taking rebirth in our world again. Since life in heaven is equal conducive to suffering, Buddhists aim for liberation rather than rebirth in the heavens.
The origin of Buddhism is deep-rooted in the ascetic and and monastic traditions of ancient India. The Buddha did not advise the monks to indulge in ritual worship or venerate him or other beings with devotion. Buddhism is primarily a monastic and ascetic religion, with some aspects of theism, borrowed mostly from Hinduism and some aspects of atheism similar to Jainism. Buddhism adapted the theistic practices of Hinduism mostly in the context of its own teachings and for the ultimate purpose of facilitating Nibbana through individual effort rather than divine intervention. Buddhist followers aimed for only two objectives, namely The Dhamma teachings and Nibbana. It is a tradition uniquely human, intellectual, practical and rooted in verifiable, perceptual experience.
A Wish Fulfilled
After Luang Phor Kalong's wish to return to the human realm was granted by Lord Vishnu, he diligently worked his way to gather funds to fulfill his wish in restoring and building 9 ordination temple halls under his care.
Just a point to take note. There're various types of Takrut sacred incantation scrolls, Rian medallion, powder based amulets e.g. Somdej were made by Luang Phor Kalong at other temples during the early days before B.E. 2545.
Another example is this GumanThep (see below) which was made by Luang Phor Kalong at another temple before Wat Khao Leam back in B.E.2539.
In the later years B.E.2546 he started consecrating more powerful medals, loop lor, phayant, Lersi bucha, etc. of the celestial realms by using ancient alchemy methods. These supernatural alchemy knowledge is said to have been imparted to Luang Phor Kalong by Lersi Samping Prai.
The Making in B.E.2548
The B.E.2548 batch is also known as Roon Maha Baramee. This batch includes a very rare Tiger tooth soaked in holy tiger oil. A very rare item measuring 5cm and highly prized among occult collectors.
Devaphisek Ceremony
All the occult amulets and talismans that had undergone Devaphisek's consecration during that period of time at Wat Khao Leam are highly sacred and are made in honor of the respective celestial beings whom he had met during his short stint of time at the higher realms. In our opinion the B.E.2550 batch is the most popular of all the series of consecration (from B.E.2547 to B.E.2552 the final batch). This is probably due to Luang Phor Kalong's popularity had taken Thailand by storm. His popularity spread to other nearby countries in South East Asia.
Luang Phor Kalong's amulet consecrations, the Puttaphiseks are jointly blessed together with other senior Kaeji monks whom came from other parts of Thailand. Sometimes the consecration will involve blessings from heavenly realms and is called Devaphisek. Giving an example of a Devaphisek ceremony is the consecration of Lak Nha Thong batch Krob Sian Phra Lak '50 – a good blessing ceremony conducted in B.E.2550 for top charming, great kindness and fortune support to the beholder.
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Devaphisek |
We have provided many unseen before photos during the blessing ceremonies in that era for your reference. Sacred incantation scrolls of various types normally associated with strong protective powers are best described for Luang Phor Kalong's takrut.
Luang Phor Kalong's popularity grew tremendously at the time during the height of Jatukam amulets. Other amulets during that period of time may have some setback but Luang Phor Kalong's amulets was equivalently famous and on par along with Jatukam's fame.
Whichever way we look at it, he's the top monk at Sa Kaeo Province during that era and people from far and near knew about his miraculous talismans and his final wish. All his creations are considered highly sacred. This is because the secret of finding certain potent ingredients for mixture into the materials for making those talismans are being revealed to him by patron Devas and Lersi.

Occult sciences of Luang Phor Kalong command high respect from all amulet enthusiasts. People will will raise their palms together in gesture of respect as the earth trembles when Luang Phor Kalong create those remarkable Ramayana's classic powerful amulets.
Video Clip
The sacred amulets that we knew today are from the auspicious consecrated ceremonies held between B.E.2548 to B.E.2552. The photos here are merely examples taken during these blessing events. It is very unfortunate that the occult sciences was unable to be handed down to his disciples and this supreme arcane knowledge is considered lost after the passing away of Luang Phor Kalong.
A point to note. Luang Phor Kalong was initially granted 10 years lifespan by Lord Vishnu. However, his passing away in B.E.2552 was just 7 years extra lifespan. This is because Luang Phor Kalong had fulfilled his wish 3 years earlier than expected. This is the life story of the Crystal Tooth master.
War Strategy & Divine Powers
The Avatar of Phra Narai (the Thai incarnation of Vishnu who's
also known as Narayan) is reborn as Phra Ram in human form. One of the Trimurti (trinity) in Hindu mythology, and the most popularly venerated god in Hinduism.
During ancient times in the land of mystical beliefs, people would compare their Kings to Lord Rama - which is derived from Ram, one of Lord Vishnu’s incarnations responsible for maintaining regional peace under reign. We can trace this association to the Chakri Dynasty during the Ayuthaya period.
It must be noted that occult sciences incorporating Lord Vishnu into war strategy also played a major role in ancient Khmer Kingdom too.
Vishnu is commonly depicted as being blue in colour and having four arms: with each hand holding either a lotus flower, a Kaumodaki gada (mace), a Panchajanya shankha (conch shell) and a Chakra discus weapon. Vishnu is the Supreme Being or Ultimate Reality for Vaishnavas and a manifestation of Brahman in the Advaita or Smarta traditions in Hinduism.
In Hindu cosmology, the center of the universe is the earth situated at Mount Meru surrounded by 7 concentric rings of mountains and oceans. In the outermost ocean are the 4 continents in 4 directions. The one in the south is Jambudvipa or land of the Buddha (India). Hells are below the earth where sinners and demons inhibit. Ghosts and spirits share the same space with us humans in this world. The world of Devas existence is located above.
Celestial Realm
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Ramakien Classical Dance Performance |
During ancient times in the land of mystical beliefs, people would compare their Kings to Lord Rama - which is derived from Ram, one of Lord Vishnu’s incarnations responsible for maintaining regional peace under reign. We can trace this association to the Chakri Dynasty during the Ayuthaya period.
It must be noted that occult sciences incorporating Lord Vishnu into war strategy also played a major role in ancient Khmer Kingdom too.
Vishnu is commonly depicted as being blue in colour and having four arms: with each hand holding either a lotus flower, a Kaumodaki gada (mace), a Panchajanya shankha (conch shell) and a Chakra discus weapon. Vishnu is the Supreme Being or Ultimate Reality for Vaishnavas and a manifestation of Brahman in the Advaita or Smarta traditions in Hinduism.
In Hindu cosmology, the center of the universe is the earth situated at Mount Meru surrounded by 7 concentric rings of mountains and oceans. In the outermost ocean are the 4 continents in 4 directions. The one in the south is Jambudvipa or land of the Buddha (India). Hells are below the earth where sinners and demons inhibit. Ghosts and spirits share the same space with us humans in this world. The world of Devas existence is located above.
Celestial Realm
- Phra
Narai/Witsanu (Narayana/Vishnu)
- Phra
Isuan/Siva (Isvara/Shiva)
- Phra
Phrom (Brahma)
- altogether with Phra Isuan and Phra Narai, forms the Hindu Trinity.
- Phra
Uma-thewi (Uma/Parvati) - Consort of Phra Isuan
- Phra
Laksami (Lakshmi)
- Consort of Phra Narai
- Phra
In (Indra)
- The King of thevadas- lesser celestial deities. Father of
- Mali
Warat - God of Justice. Grandfather of Thotsakan
- Phra
A-thit (Aditya or Surya) - the
solar deity. Father of Sukreep
- Phra
Phai (Vayu)
- the wind deity. Father of Hanuman
- Phra
Witsawakam/Witsanukam (Vishvakarman) - the artisan god, responsible for
rebuilding Lanka after Hanuman burned it down and creating Khitkhin
Human Realm
Siddhārtha Gautama Shakyamuni,was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (Pali sammāsambuddha, Sanskrit samyaksaṃbuddha) of our time. Sahampati is the name of the Brahma whom requested Lord Buddha to teach the Dharma when Lord Buddha was contemplating whether to teach the Dharma or not to the world.
Siddhārtha Gautama Shakyamuni,was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (Pali sammāsambuddha, Sanskrit samyaksaṃbuddha) of our time. Sahampati is the name of the Brahma whom requested Lord Buddha to teach the Dharma when Lord Buddha was contemplating whether to teach the Dharma or not to the world.
- Phra Ram (Rama) - The
son of the king Tosarot of Ayutthaya and the Incarnation of Phra Narai.
- Nang Sida (Sita) - The
wife of Phra Ram, who embodies purity and fidelity. Incarnation of Nang
- Phra Lak (Lakshman),
Phra Phrot (Bharata) and Phra Satrut (Shatrughna)
- half-brothers of Phra Ram, who represent the reincarnated possessions of
Phra Narai
- Thotsarot (Dasaratha)
-often called Thao Tosarot. King of Ayutthaya and father of Phra Ram and
his brothers
- Nang
Kaosuriya (Kausalya)
- one of the three wives of Tosarot, mother of Phra Ram
- Nang
Kaiyakesi (Kaikeyi)
- one of the three wives of Tosarot, mother of Phra Phrot
- Nang
Samut-thewi (Sumitra)
- one of the three wives of Tosarot, mother of Phra Laks and Phra Satrut
Friends of Phra Ram
- Hanuman -
God/King of the apes, who supported Phra Ram and acted as the monkey
- Pali
Thirat (Vali) - King of Kitkin, elder brother of Sukreep and
uncle of Hanuman
- Sukreep
- Viceroy of Kitkin, younger brother of Pali and uncle of Hanuman
- Ongkot
- Ape-prince and son of the Pali Thirat and Nang Montho, cousin of Hanuman
- Phiphek
- enstranged brother of Thotsakan. He is an excellent astrologist and
provided valuable information to Phra Ram in defeating Thotsakan.
- Chomphuphan
- Ape-prince and adopted son of Pali, an expert in the healing arts and
acted as the troop's medic.
Opponents of Phra Ram
- Thotsakan (Ravana,
from dashakantha) - King of the Demons of Lanka and strongest
of Phra Ram's adversaries. Thotsakan has ten faces and twenty arms, and
possesses a myriad of weapons.
- Intharachit
- A son of Thotsakan. Phra Ram's second most powerful adversaries.
Intharachit uses his bow more than any other weapon. He once fired arrows
(Nagabat Arrows) which turned into Nagas (or
snakes) in mid-air and rained down on Phra Ram's army. He once had a
blessing from the Phra Isuan that he shall not die on land but in the air,
and if his decapitated head were to touch the ground, it will bring down
great destruction.
- Kumphakan
- brother of Thotsakan and commander of demonic forces
- Maiyarap
- King of the Underworld, embodied as a donkey
- Korn (Khara),
Tooth(Dushana) and Trisian (Trishira) - younger brothers of Thotsakan, and the
first three to be killed by Phra Ram, in that order.
Buddhism recognizes the 31 world of existence of which 26 worlds are the heavenly realms, 4 are planes of misery, and 1 is the human world that we're living in now. These worlds are aligned to our mental states and we have the ability to visit them or experience them only through meditation. However, just as Buddhist are aware as Hindus, heavenly life is not a desirable end since it does not free one from suffering and rebirth. Hence, one should strive to attain Nibbana or at the very least to attain stream-entry into the Path as a Sotapana.
Wat Khao Leam
Wat Khao Leam is a serene place of Luang Phor Kalong's final resting place where his undecayed body is placed in a glass coffin for people to venerate today. Although looking tired having to deal with daily visitors in the past, Luang Phor Kalong never reject anybody to come and pay respect.
What appears and left today are fond memories of great contributions of Reverend Luang Phor Kalong for the benefits of Buddha Sasana since the 1st day of ordination into the Sangha Order until his final breath.
Video Clip
For the serious amulet collectors, Wat Khao Leam is considered the birthplace for Kiew Geow's celestial realms talisman. Kiew Geow means “crystal tooth”. Certainly Luang Phor Kalong is an inspirational Buddhist teacher with many knowledge in occult sciences of the supernatural that have never been seen before.
Each year on the 12th of September many faithful devotees will go to Wat Khao Leam to attend the anniversary of Luang Phor Kalong.
Video Clip
Different Places, Various Methods, Same Teachings
The above phase 'Different Places, Various Methods, Same Teachings' was taken from a Dharma book to express my view about sacred objects and practicing Buddhist values. Sometimes we may wonder if it is a correct practice to own powerful amulets while ignoring the basis of the real teachings.
We believe every learned monk would never encourage their lay disciples to take rebirth again and again in the sea of suffering 'Samsara'. In my humble opinion, Luang Phor Kalong would be very delighted to impart his legacy through the making of powerful protective amulets to serve as a reminder for his teaching throughout his life. Let's go through the following paragraph below and you may well be able to make a conclusion and clear reasoning of why monks make amulets as part of the way of their teaching.
"In a certain lineage the teacher will teach the way to develop things like manomayiddhi (creating mind-made bodies) with the power of the mind and other psychic powers. They are real but exist within the field of abhinnas. Practicing for psychi powers requires the development of abinna, for which we need a high level of parami. But these Theras (Elders) only use these psychic powers to attract people to the Buddhist teachings, to pull them in by getting them interested, because we all like psychic powers, special kinds of mental tricks. They really pull us in and attract us.
First they get people's attention with their psychic powers. They they explain that if we practice the way they teach, that we can develop these powers too. That's it, hooked! "I want to practice this way!"
They explain that if we want these powers, first we have to develop sila, then we will see them. But when we try it they still don't come. These powers still haven't come about. So the teacher says it's because we don't have vipassana. We need to develop vipassana. Then we quickly notice, "Hey, I still haven't developed these psychic powers." So the teacher tells us that we have no samadhi. Then if we still haven't developed them, they tell us it's because our sila isn't pure enough. So it's back to the start." (Ref: Sotapatimagga, The Path of The Sotapanna; Ajahn Anan Akincano; Wat Marp Jan; 2008; pg. 58).
The way of attracting people through psychic powers is just a different way to teach the same principles by using a means of getting people interested first and developing faith. In a similar fashion Luang Phor Kalong also get people interested first and develop faith in the Dharma practices through the creation of those celestial universe amulets that we know today. The aim at heart is to let people partake merits through donation in temple building in order to develop their dana.

We hope this explanation would provide a clear comprehension with regards to collecting amulets and the Dharma to avoid any misunderstanding about greed. The 3 poisons (greed, hatred and delusion) could only be destroyed by the penetrative Panna (insight) whereas all those powerful amulets would serve to protect us temporarily while we each strive on the path toward Wisdom.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
Celestial Universe Amulets
The Celestial Universe amulets mentioned listed in this article are not in chronological order nor follow the year it was blessed. We try our best to provide accuracy for each amulet in terms of its appearance with supporting materials i.e. archive photos, brochures, and information which we knew on hand and advise from expert collectors. Should there be any mistake or omission in our part we shall make correction to ensure information provided here remain relevant.
If you wish to share your own Luang Phor Kalong's amulets here, please feel free to forward your photos to the editor team Admission is subject to photo clarity, authenticity and relevance. Thank you and enjoy reading.
More than any earthly power,
More than all the joys in heaven,
More than rule o'ver all the world,
Is the Entrance to the Stream.
Dhammapada 178
Wat Khao Leam
Wat Khao Leam is a serene place of Luang Phor Kalong's final resting place where his undecayed body is placed in a glass coffin for people to venerate today. Although looking tired having to deal with daily visitors in the past, Luang Phor Kalong never reject anybody to come and pay respect.
What appears and left today are fond memories of great contributions of Reverend Luang Phor Kalong for the benefits of Buddha Sasana since the 1st day of ordination into the Sangha Order until his final breath.
Video Clip
For the serious amulet collectors, Wat Khao Leam is considered the birthplace for Kiew Geow's celestial realms talisman. Kiew Geow means “crystal tooth”. Certainly Luang Phor Kalong is an inspirational Buddhist teacher with many knowledge in occult sciences of the supernatural that have never been seen before.
Each year on the 12th of September many faithful devotees will go to Wat Khao Leam to attend the anniversary of Luang Phor Kalong.
Video Clip
Different Places, Various Methods, Same Teachings
The above phase 'Different Places, Various Methods, Same Teachings' was taken from a Dharma book to express my view about sacred objects and practicing Buddhist values. Sometimes we may wonder if it is a correct practice to own powerful amulets while ignoring the basis of the real teachings.
We believe every learned monk would never encourage their lay disciples to take rebirth again and again in the sea of suffering 'Samsara'. In my humble opinion, Luang Phor Kalong would be very delighted to impart his legacy through the making of powerful protective amulets to serve as a reminder for his teaching throughout his life. Let's go through the following paragraph below and you may well be able to make a conclusion and clear reasoning of why monks make amulets as part of the way of their teaching.
"In a certain lineage the teacher will teach the way to develop things like manomayiddhi (creating mind-made bodies) with the power of the mind and other psychic powers. They are real but exist within the field of abhinnas. Practicing for psychi powers requires the development of abinna, for which we need a high level of parami. But these Theras (Elders) only use these psychic powers to attract people to the Buddhist teachings, to pull them in by getting them interested, because we all like psychic powers, special kinds of mental tricks. They really pull us in and attract us.
First they get people's attention with their psychic powers. They they explain that if we practice the way they teach, that we can develop these powers too. That's it, hooked! "I want to practice this way!"
They explain that if we want these powers, first we have to develop sila, then we will see them. But when we try it they still don't come. These powers still haven't come about. So the teacher says it's because we don't have vipassana. We need to develop vipassana. Then we quickly notice, "Hey, I still haven't developed these psychic powers." So the teacher tells us that we have no samadhi. Then if we still haven't developed them, they tell us it's because our sila isn't pure enough. So it's back to the start." (Ref: Sotapatimagga, The Path of The Sotapanna; Ajahn Anan Akincano; Wat Marp Jan; 2008; pg. 58).
The way of attracting people through psychic powers is just a different way to teach the same principles by using a means of getting people interested first and developing faith. In a similar fashion Luang Phor Kalong also get people interested first and develop faith in the Dharma practices through the creation of those celestial universe amulets that we know today. The aim at heart is to let people partake merits through donation in temple building in order to develop their dana.

We hope this explanation would provide a clear comprehension with regards to collecting amulets and the Dharma to avoid any misunderstanding about greed. The 3 poisons (greed, hatred and delusion) could only be destroyed by the penetrative Panna (insight) whereas all those powerful amulets would serve to protect us temporarily while we each strive on the path toward Wisdom.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
Celestial Universe Amulets
The Celestial Universe amulets mentioned listed in this article are not in chronological order nor follow the year it was blessed. We try our best to provide accuracy for each amulet in terms of its appearance with supporting materials i.e. archive photos, brochures, and information which we knew on hand and advise from expert collectors. Should there be any mistake or omission in our part we shall make correction to ensure information provided here remain relevant.
If you wish to share your own Luang Phor Kalong's amulets here, please feel free to forward your photos to the editor team Admission is subject to photo clarity, authenticity and relevance. Thank you and enjoy reading.
Phra Narai (Vishnu)
To begin with, since ancient arcane knowledge days Lord Vishnu has power beyond any explanation. It emphasize on protection against dangers coming from ten directions to come near. Protection against dangers which arises from the 4 elements (earth, wind, fire, water) and against black magic, and Kongkrapan invulnerability to weapons attack. To be precise this type of divine power is crucial for ancient warfare.
In this 21st century living in a world of technological advancement, having this type of functional power is nonetheless a great advantage if you could obtain this type of sacred object from a known master.
The Brahman believes that the Medal of Vishnu and Garuda is recognized for creating the theoretical course of Ayutthaya. It provides evasive capability when making an attempt to escape and a high degree of invulnerability against evils and other misfortunes. According to the history of ancient war strategy, it is thought that certain talismans were capable of protecting the user and his attendants. During the Ayutthya period the mastery of spells associated with such talismans was considered to be of vital importance to any commander of an army division.
Ohm Phra Narai
Racha Upatawadaya
Jatukrutapa Hanaya Harati
Sisachitaya Akajchatu Poonchatu
Kippayawip Payatu Sawaha
Sappa-untraya Vinasaya
Sukwattako Hotu Ayuwanna
Suka Palang Umhakang
Rakatu Sawaha Sawahaya
The Rian medallion of Vishnu and Garuda is among some of the most powerful amulets ever created by Luang Phor Kalong. It is believed that this Rian is capable to protect the wearer from danger on all types of accidents within the 10 cardinal directions. It helps to protect from the 4 elements of earth, water, wind, fire, and in addition other types of invasion by witchcraft.
Hanuman at the rear of this majestic medallion plays a great supporting role in authority to the wearer. That's the functions of this oversize Jatukam oversized medallion. Solid and heavy containing rare smelted 1,000 years old Khmer holy metals as a potent alchemy ingredient.
A symbolic yant inscription of Phra Narai is used for providing strength and power of gods to protect the person who uses it. In other words, the purpose built function of this Rian medallion is to transform its celestial power to strike fear to the enemies and ability to manifest its Klaew Klaad power to help in escaping calamities.
"Dtaimak" Yant Takraw
This is the very first Luang Phor Kalong's medallion that I owned before obtaining the Phra Narai Song Krut Hanuman that came along into my private collection. This Rian medallion is known as "Dtaimak" because it was blessed for 3 months during the rain retreat before making its debut in B.E.2550 together with other Luang Phor Kalong's amulets issuance in that year. We have mentioned earlier that most powerful stuffs was consecrated in the B.E.2550 batch.
Notice the yantra "Takraw" at the rear which resembled a takraw ball from the traditional Thai sport. This yant is believed to protect the wearer from all kinds of harms and not many masters know the rituals for creating this type of yant.
In order to highlight the specialty of this super protective yant, let's divert our story to a very well-known maker of similar Takraw yant. In Thailand, any avid collectors will surely know Luang Phor Sood of Wat Kalong. Coincidentally the temple name of Wat Kalong can be mistaken for Luang Phor Kalong.
In a legendary 'Robin Hood' story from Thailand, there's a guy named Teeyai whom is a disciple of Luang Phor Sood. Teeyai is said to be able to evade police arrest by wearing the Rian amulet and takrut made by Luang Phor Sood. The story goes on with Teeyai getting shot while running away from police enforcement officers after a robbery. Somehow, a stranger knowing that the person running was Teeyai, gave him a lift in his car and even drove pass a police roadblock without any problem. The police eventually caught Teeyai only after he misplaced his amulet given by Luang Phor Sood.
This miraculous Yant Takraw's ability was made potent by Luang Phor Sood using his arcane knowledge originated from Khmer and Laos. The Yant was created to protect the wearer from guns ammunition as Luang Phor Sood did that when a bullet is fired, it will not penetrate the skin, flesh and bones. Luang Phor Sood passed away on the 14th August B.E.2526 at the age of 81 years old.
Coming back to our original story line, we have clearly distinguished this Yant Takraw from Luang Phor Sood and Luang Phor Kalong. This typical yant is for a full-armored protective purpose.
Rian Narai Pleng Roop B.E.2549
Phra Narai is also highly respected in Thailand at all times due to the Ramayana's mystic and beliefs. Phra Narai is one of the three major gods in the Hindu cosmology. A manifestation from the Lord Vishnu, Phra Narai gives protection against all dangers, obstacles and provide strength to fight off all demons. The meaning and translation of 'Phra Narai Pleng Roop' is Lord Vishnu transforming shape or appearance.
The Yant inscription of Narai has been recorded in the book of war since ancient times. If someone called Phra Narai with full confidence, the god will come down to help that person. Characteristically Phra Narai highly respected both Hinduism and Buddhism since time immemorial.
Using the power of Luang Phor Kalong's skillful meditation mind to request the power of this yant to reside in the amulet. This yant strength is believed to exceed the power over the sky and earth. Thus, the characteristic of Phra Narai yant inscription have supernatural abilities.
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddha (recite 3 times)
Thero pi kho
Kan Tay Dewa
Sahut Saka Tang
Antanang Nimita Wana
Jool-la Panta Kho
Ni Sitthi AumPawa Nae Rung Mae
Yawak Kalapa
Watak Na thi ( recite 3 times )
The emission energy of Rian Narai Plaeng Roop has a mysterious power that will deter bad omens and protect from all sort of dangers to the wearer. This Rian medallion is not for fetching wealth or Mahalarp but rather more toward an all rounder protection. When a wearer accidentally meet face-to-face with his enemy, the superlative power of this amulet will blindfold the enemy's eyes thus helping the wearer to escape or totally avoid the enemy.
When the wearer is in a state of danger from being harm with a sharp object, the weapon will not be able to penetrate his skin. However, do not try this at home because you will need some credibility in the Dharma. This medallion may also bring some good lucks to the wearer dependent on each individual's energy force compatibility with this Narai Plaeng Roop.
Rian Somdej Toh
This is by far my favorite Rian medallion from the Krob Sian Phra Lak '50 blessing ceremony. Solid and heavy, oval shape similar like a goose egg is the distinctive look of this Rian Ajahn Toh. This medallion is officially as Rian Cha Re Lerb Lang Somdej Toh Uhm Bart.
Featuring Arjan Toh on one side, and Luang Phor Kalong holding Lersi Pu Sing Samingprai's head on the other side, this Rian is so special in the sense that it features all 3 prominent figures in a single medallion. For those who keenly venerate Somdej Putthajarn Toh Prommarungsi Wat Rakang, this Rian would be a perfect match.
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (recite 3 times)
Buddha Buddha
Buddhe Buddho
Buddhang Araham Buddho
Itipiso Bhagawa
Namo Buddhaya (recite 9 times)
This batch was further blessed by Luang Phor Kalong at Wat Khao Leam before it went to devotees. There have been many incidents for those wearing this Rian with faith and we could consider this medallion as 'Pokkasap' in Thai which literally mean miracle or good experience.
This Cha Re Lerb Lang Somdej Toh Uhm Bart is the first time Somdej Puttajarn Toh's image was designed in the form of a medallion. Previously issued Somdej Toh sacred objects are in the shape of Loop Lor figurines and Somdej votive tablet.
If our observation is correct then this Rian Cha Re Lerb may the 1st and only Rian medallion ever made by Luang Phor Kalong in honor of Somdej Toh, one of the greatest Buddhist master during the 19th century Siam Kingdom.
Lersi Saming Prai
Make from oxidized green Samrit metal "Korm Pan Pee (Mixture of antique alloy taken out from a Pagoda cell) and inserted with Nah Dtak Pon soil. This Lersi have high power in Metta Mahaniyom and it's famous and popular among believers and collectors alike.
In B.E. 2513 (1970) Wat Kao Laem in Sakaew Province was established by Luang Phor Kalong. Lersi Pu Ser Samingprai manifested into the vision of Luang Phor Kalong wishing to stay at this newly established temple. Upon learning this, Luang Phor Kalong built a shrine inside Wat Khao Leam for Lersi Pu Ser with helps from villagers. People who prayed at this shrine won lots of lottery prizes. In return people donated generously to the said shrine that was erected under the Makkha tree in front of Luang Phor's kuti till this very day.
Saming Prai Katha (Tiger Head Lersi)
I Si Ser Wan
Maha I Si Ser Wan
Sa Pu Li Sap Ser Wan
Maha Sa Pu Li Sap Ser Wan
Puthasa Ser Wan
Maha Puthasa Ser Wan
Sa Pha Lo Ka Eh Li Yang Nang Ser Wan
Eh Theh Nak Sa Che Nak Su Wa Di Huntu
Hulu Hulu Sawahak Sawahom
There are 4 different material variations in the making of this Lersi Saming Prai B.E.2551 batch. We have mentioned a lot about Lersi hermits and their supernatural Abinna ability. Experience shared by those whom have worn this Lersi is its manifestation of power will only come to the wearer after wearing it for up to 1 year with strong faith.
Hanuman See Gorn Phaeng Rid
The 4 arms Hanuman,emphasize on Kong Grapan,protection against enemy harm,increase authority and you can gain promotion at work.It had virtue in devotional meditation,impenetrable skin and alot of physical strength which was rather mysterious.
Katha Hanuman Plaeng-rit 4 Kon (4 Arms)
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (recite 3 times)
Om makani ak-phet
Phra Reusi samret
Haiku sam daeng-rit
Haknu-punik hik-hik-ha hanuk sang saktang
Yuk wapawa karamatik
Thanha toh-utt kuchak plaeng-rit
Chong-cha tleh hiknak-haknuk
Pakuni ka dueng deng
Lek-yong tawan hak-neh hakam
Buddhang pit phaya Hanuman plaeng-rit pit-duay Phra Buddhang
Dhammang pit phaya Hanuman plaeng-rit pit-duay Phra Dhammang
Sangkang pit phaya Hanuman plaeng-rit pit-duay Phra Sangkang
Aknik tasak, ak-uk-ak
Buddhang Sangkang toh klaew kaed
Phra chow-yong bat
Prati say wamik kongkli phek chak kong kong ak
Outstanding in protection.Good in gaining promotion at work,there was splendidness and Maha Amnaj(authority) as the Chief Commander Hanuman leads the army of Deva to conquer all the ten directions.
Phra Hanuman's amulets last batch was consecrated in B.E.2552 before Luang Phor Kalong's passing. All the Hanuman creations may look fearsome in the eyes of the beholder but make no mistake about its diverse functions when you're in need of His assistance in difficult times.
Katha Hanuman Plaeng-rit 8 Kon (8 Arms)
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (recite 3 times)
Namapata Namo Buddhaya,
Sang-saktang yuk-wa phawa
Om kongkli peth-cha kong
Kong-tua sala phan
Kai, karamatha, Kirimithi, Kurumuthu, Keremethe,
Hanuk-munik hik-nak-hak
Phra Buddhang chang-rik tripeth chak-kong chang rik
Phra Dhammang chang-rik tripeth chak-kong chang rik
Phra Sangkang chang-rik tripeth chak-kong chang rik
Ut-tang-at, ak-chang-ngang, ak-pawateh
Hanuman from Luang Phor Kalong has various usage apart from giving an all-rounder protection to the person wearing it. If you have one of these superb Hanuman, you may wish to recite the Katha provided here in order to enhance its efficacy for greater power in charming attraction and luck.
Phra Phrom
Phra Phrom - the four-faced Thai representation of the Hindu god of creation, Brahma. A highly popular deity among devotees in Thailand. The best place for worshiping Phra Phrom is at Erawan Shrine which is located in the city center nearby Siam Paragon area.
Lak Nak Thong
Lak Nak Thong is admired for its potent Maha Saneh and Metta Mahaniyom. This charming and admiration power is highly respected by Khon masks stage drama dancers. Luang Phor Kalong learned this sacred art in creating Lak Nak Thong from Kru Poeng. At first Luang Phor Kalong refused to learn this arcane science but later changed his mind after consistent persuasion from Kru Poeng.
Phra Lak Nak Thong's sacred power could bestow charm and admiration on the worshiper to become loved and being admired by whoever they meet. The making of Phra Lak Nak Thong is considered to be the most secretive and a heavily guarded arcane art in its entire history. The magical effects of Lak Nak Thong being a celestial Deva is highly desired for those seeking fame and admiration.
The characteristic of Lak Nak Thong is his golden body holding a miraculous dagger that makes Him greatly admired from the day he was born (in the Celestial realm). In the arcane magical sciences inheritance of Brahman, they usually use many spells from the Ramayana magical arts. For example, Phra Ram is usually reflected as the Master in the magical science for war and strategy while Phra Lak, the younger brother who has a golden body is reflected as the Master of great charm, merit and admiration power. Hence, Phra Ram and Phra Lak are like twin powers - the bright and the dark. Phra Ram is like the power of midday sun while Phra Lak is the opposite power of a beautiful moonlight.
This amulet can bring you Metta Mahaniyom (great kindness) from people around besides giving protection. Great blessing ceremony in the Krob Sian Phra Lak '50. Below is the chronology of blessing events for this batch of Phra Lak Nak Thong.
1. On 25 February 2007 a Dhevapisek Ceremony held at Wat BoonRod, Bangkok. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony leading with other 9 famous guru monks.
2. Puttapisek Ceremony Sao Har at Wat Suthat, Bangkok.
3. On 29 March 2007 in SuriyaKrat Suriyan-Jantra Ceremony.
4. On 19 May 2007 in SuRiYaKrat-KrobKroo MahaPuttapisek at Wat Suthat. LP Kalong is a master of ceremony together with many other famous guru monks e.g. LP Aun, LP Perm, LP Poon, LP Ied, LP Siri, LP Jur-ah, LP Pian, etc.
5. On 10 May 2007 in Wai Kru's Phra Pirab Ceremony.
6. On 16-24 June 2007 in Maha Puttapisek Ceremony held again at Wat BoonRod, Bangkok. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony together with 32 famous guru monks such as LP Pian, L Aun, LPYam, LP Siri, LP Perm LP Tim and etc.
7. On 30 August 2007 in Maha Puttapisek Ceremony held at Wat NongDong, Pijit Province. There are 80 famous guru monks joined in this blessing ceremony.
8. On 15 September 2007 in Puttapisek Ceremony at Wat PraDoo, Ayudhaya province by LP Sawat, LP Sao, LP Preecha, LP Ied.
9. On 13 October 2007 in Tay Thong blessing and Puttapisek Ceremony at Wat KowLaem, Sakeow Province.
10. On 20 October 2007 in Maha Puttapisek Ceremony held again at Wat Suthat, Bangkok. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony together with many famous guru monks this time around.
11. Full Moon Puttapisek Ceremony by LP Kalong himself.
12. On 20 December 2007 in another Puttapisek Ceremony held again at Wat Suthat, Bangkok.
13. On 22 December 2007 in Wai Kru Ceremony – KrobSian Phra Lak NhaThong.
The ceremonial blessings of this Lak Nak Thong batch took about 11 months from the beginning in February and lasted till December. There are several holy objects from Phra Lak Nah Thong's amulet series created - Powder based Rian medallion, Face Masks, Takruts and Look Om.
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (3 times)
Ohm Phra Puk Phra Luk Nah Thong
Suwun pudpong Nah Thong
Phra Puk Chai hen chai ruk
Sao hen sao ruk
Pooyai hen kor ruk
Pa gun soam-manus
Roo juk koo tuan nah
Mai wa krai
Na jubjit Mo jubjai Put yoang-yai
Ta loang-lai Ya rong ma ha gu
Pasasumma Patitami
Ohm Phra lang pen sang
Phra Lak Phra Reussi jub pakka
Phra Lak Jub Nah Jub Ta swaha
Na hen nah gu yoo mai dai
Mo Rong hai kruan krang Put gord wai mi krai wang
Ta Kruan krang sa-oen hai
Ya Loang-lai nai jit Ying dai Chai dai Dai peng pit hen nah gu
Kor yu mi dai Rong hai ma ha gu
Ohm Sitti gae gu sawaha
Ahi Chaiya Ahi Suppa Pechana Pahu chana ahi
Pray this Katha spell 3 times and then bring Phra Lak’s mask or rolled charm to circle clockwise around your face 3 times. This will arouse the power of the great charm, merit and admiration. Helps in strengthening the worshiper's prestige and fortune to succeed in business and wishes.
Phra Pirap
It has strength in authority,get rid of black magic and black mantra,exorcise ghost and demon and all kind of evil spell.If you are experiencing heavy bad luck it will be lightened. Phra Pirab is said to be the manifestation avatar of Lord Shiva, one of an important Hindu god in the Trinity.
Not many people are aware that Phra Pirab is a very powerful protective deity and also a deity of fortune. This batch was issued in early B.E.2551 after going through a strenuous ritual blessing in order to invoke His power. This is the only Phra Pirab batch known created by Luang Phor Kalong.
Contrary to shallow belief saying that Phra Pirab is a fearful demon wondering in cemeteries, but in retrospect Phra Pirab had chosen the path not to have any fame for himself and gave assistance to those wondering spirits whom have no protectors.
Phra Pirab is portrayed as a “nice demon” in the Ramakien epic story. Living quietly at a far corner in the Atsakan mountain where he raised animals for consumption. Phra Pirab is highly revered and worship by Khon cultural artisans. Khon masks of Phra Pirab appears in most part of the Ramakien folk story.
Video Clip
It's very rare to see masters creating Phra Pirab amulet due to the strict ritual. Any miss step in the ritual will bring life threatening consequence to the master. People taking part in the ceremony of paying homage to Phra Pirab must be absolutely attentive and devoted or else they will be cursed.
In order to make this amulet efficacious, the master must offer his own blood or else the amulet would not have any effect and furthermore put the master in danger too.
Once there was a master whom did not follow the ritual correctly and was cursed by Phra Pirab. A few days later the master had a serious car accident. During the lapse of consciousness on the way to the hospital in an ambulance, Phra Pirab appeared to him by saying that the blood poured at the time of the accident was used to compensate for forgetting to offer his blood during the time of the ritual.
No matter how fearful, if the amulet ritual is done correctly it would bring positive benefits. Carrying a Phra Pirab amulet or practicing its ritual is traditionally regarded as bringing the following benefits:
- Great opportunity and luck
- Powerful protection
- Brings out the charismatic charm and prestige in you
- Cure any grave disease
- Protect from any type of malevolent spirits
- Its carrier Returns sympathizing
- Brings fortune and abundance
- Cleanse and cure any black magic
Just to relate the tedious blessing Devaphisek ceremony, below is the chronology of event for the making of this Phra Pirab for the entire duration of 11 months.
The Blessing Ceremony
1. At Wat Boonrod in Bangkok on 25 Feb,2007 lead by Luang Phor Kalong with 9 other Buddhist masters
2. At Wat Suthat in Bangkok - on the Fifth Saturday of auspicious month
3. Another blessing on 29 March 2007 during full moon eclipse
4.On 19 May 2007 - Maha Puttaphisek held at Wat Suthat. This ceremonial blessing was lead by Luang Phor Kalong together with other prominent Keji monks such as LP Aun - Wat Rongkho, LP Prem - Wat Pomkaew Ayutthaya, LP Pool - Wat Baan Pan, LP Aead - Wat Pailom, LP Siri -Wat Tan, LP Juea - Wat Klangbangkaew, LP Pean - Wat Tooktaa, LP Khean - Wat Khowkitchakoot.
5.King Rama picture blessing in May at the Rajabhat Thonburi University on 10 May, 2007.
6. Blessing was also held at Wat Boonrod, Bangkok for 9 days & 9 nights from 16 to 24 June 2007. LP Kalong is the master of ceremonial blessing together with other 32 Keji monks; LP Aun - Wat Rongkho, LP.Prem - Wat Pomkaew, LP.Aead - Wat Pailom, LP.Siri -Wat Tan, LP.Juea - Wat Klangbangkaew, LP Sarun - Wat Dongnoi, LP.Lhum - Wat Samukeethum, LP Sri - Wat Nahpralaan, LP Tim - Wat Pra Khaw Ayutthaya, LP Yam - Wat Sam Ngam.
7. At Wat Nongdong in Pijit. Ceremony was held on 30 August 2007 by LP Pean - Wat Krengkratin, LP Poon - Wat Bannpan, LP Na - Wat Nongboua, LP Up - Wat Thongsai, LP Fuu - Wat Bangsamak, LP Sao - Wat Donyarnang, LP Preecha - Wat Khao-itti sutho and another 80 Buddhist masters.
8.On 15 September 2007 at Wat Pradoo blessed by LP Sawad - Wat Salapoon, LP Poon - Wat Baanpan, LP.Eead - Wat Pailom.
9.On 13 October 2007 at Wat Khoa Leam. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony and joining hands together to conduct blessing are LP Son - Wat Thoongpra, LP Ma - Wat Houykoonjae, LP Pan - Wat Nongtim, LP Rouy - Wat Nongree, LP.Dum - Wat Khaopoonthong, LP Weera - Wat Parsarlawun, LP Jern - Wat Loungkru, LP Chalerm - Wat Poungnimit.
10. On 20 October 2007 another round of ceremony was held again at Wat Suthat. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony together with LP Yaem from Wat SamNgam, LP Juea - Wat Klangbangkaew, LP Aup - Wat Thongsai, LP Pean - Wat Tooktaa, LP Aun - Wat Thummakhosok, LP Siri - Wat Tan, LP Tew - Wat Maneechon, LP Aouyporn - Wat Donyaihom, LP Sompong - Wat Maipeenklew, LP Somchai - Wat Panomchai, Kruba Chang - Wat Nongyaimow.
11. Ceremony on full moon (12th month) at Wat Suthat by LP Kalong.
12. On 20 December 2007 at Wat Suthat. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony and together with LP Yaem - Wat SamNgam, LP Juea - Wat Klangbangkaew, LP Up - Wat Thongsai, LP Pean - Wat Tooktaa, LP Siri - Wat Tan, LP Tew - Wat Maneechon, LP Sumeang - Wat Bangpra.
13. Ceremony to honor Grand Teacher ( Phra Luk Nah Thong) at Wat Suthat on 22 December 2007 was conducted by LP Kalong and LP Aun from Wat Rongkho.
Luang Phor Kalong had intricately chanted this batch from the month of Febuary until December 2007 (B.E.2550). A total of 11 months were taken to complete all the arduous sanctification rituals for this batch. All the sacred items were released to the public the following year in early B.E.2551.
Phra Sivali
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (recite 3 times)
Nachaliti Chimpalicha Mahathero Lapha Lapho
Cha Devata Cha Laphanang
Sappa saneh hang Sappa saneha
Metta, Karuna, Mudita, Upekkha
Itipiso Bhagawa Buddho Cha Maha Lapho
Dhammo Cha Maha Lapho
Sangho Cha Maha Lapho
Buddhang Cha Maha Patang
Dhammang Cha Maha Patang
Sangkang Cha Maha Patang
Buddhang Cha Maha Lapang
Dhammang Cha Maha Lapang
Sangkang Cha Maha Lapang
Namo Buddhaya
Na-chong sadet mayu thang-sai
Tha-chong sadet mayu thang-khwa
Yak-khe duang ha-thai
Buddhang khe kiau tanha
Chong sadet khao mayu nai pak-khong khapachao Muea khapachao
Cheracha hai man lala lalang sappha laphang prasitimae
Nachaliti ehi ehi cittang Nama itti yangwa
Ehi ehi cittanama rachawa
Ehi ehi laphang
Ehi ehi cittawinyan
Ehi ehi kayawinyan
Ehi ehi thatwinyan
Ehi ehi rupawinyan
Ehi ehi chong riak ao ma tang rupat kanha
chong riak ao duey tha tangsi
Ehi ehi manut citta winyan tha
Nachaliti chimpalinang pra chimpali pra pupenchao
Chong sadet bandon
kau baisu duangchit, kau baisu duangchai
Tanghin tangchai hai-rak hai-krai
Tongchit tongchai tonghai man man ha
Ehi ehi a kat chaya a kat chahi
Ehi cittang piyang mama
Chong riak au ma tang sapasing khong tang puang
Hai man laima dang-Mae-nam
Phra-khong-kla laima nueng-nong
La ngern lapthong lap sappasing khong
Mangkhang ngern thong mumami mulamu manimu
Lama pokha phokang mangkhang sugang thanang
Satchang lapang kippa kippang
Citta winyanang masu khapachao
This long Katha version can also be used for Phra Sivali bucha consecrated in B.E.2551.
To begin with, since ancient arcane knowledge days Lord Vishnu has power beyond any explanation. It emphasize on protection against dangers coming from ten directions to come near. Protection against dangers which arises from the 4 elements (earth, wind, fire, water) and against black magic, and Kongkrapan invulnerability to weapons attack. To be precise this type of divine power is crucial for ancient warfare.
In this 21st century living in a world of technological advancement, having this type of functional power is nonetheless a great advantage if you could obtain this type of sacred object from a known master.
The Brahman believes that the Medal of Vishnu and Garuda is recognized for creating the theoretical course of Ayutthaya. It provides evasive capability when making an attempt to escape and a high degree of invulnerability against evils and other misfortunes. According to the history of ancient war strategy, it is thought that certain talismans were capable of protecting the user and his attendants. During the Ayutthya period the mastery of spells associated with such talismans was considered to be of vital importance to any commander of an army division.
Ohm Phra Narai
Racha Upatawadaya
Jatukrutapa Hanaya Harati
Sisachitaya Akajchatu Poonchatu
Kippayawip Payatu Sawaha
Sappa-untraya Vinasaya
Sukwattako Hotu Ayuwanna
Suka Palang Umhakang
Rakatu Sawaha Sawahaya
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Krob Sian Phra Lak batch B.E.2550 |
The Rian medallion of Vishnu and Garuda is among some of the most powerful amulets ever created by Luang Phor Kalong. It is believed that this Rian is capable to protect the wearer from danger on all types of accidents within the 10 cardinal directions. It helps to protect from the 4 elements of earth, water, wind, fire, and in addition other types of invasion by witchcraft.
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Narai Plaeng Roop batch B.E.2549 |
Hanuman at the rear of this majestic medallion plays a great supporting role in authority to the wearer. That's the functions of this oversize Jatukam oversized medallion. Solid and heavy containing rare smelted 1,000 years old Khmer holy metals as a potent alchemy ingredient.
A symbolic yant inscription of Phra Narai is used for providing strength and power of gods to protect the person who uses it. In other words, the purpose built function of this Rian medallion is to transform its celestial power to strike fear to the enemies and ability to manifest its Klaew Klaad power to help in escaping calamities.
"Dtaimak" Yant Takraw
This is the very first Luang Phor Kalong's medallion that I owned before obtaining the Phra Narai Song Krut Hanuman that came along into my private collection. This Rian medallion is known as "Dtaimak" because it was blessed for 3 months during the rain retreat before making its debut in B.E.2550 together with other Luang Phor Kalong's amulets issuance in that year. We have mentioned earlier that most powerful stuffs was consecrated in the B.E.2550 batch.
Notice the yantra "Takraw" at the rear which resembled a takraw ball from the traditional Thai sport. This yant is believed to protect the wearer from all kinds of harms and not many masters know the rituals for creating this type of yant.
In order to highlight the specialty of this super protective yant, let's divert our story to a very well-known maker of similar Takraw yant. In Thailand, any avid collectors will surely know Luang Phor Sood of Wat Kalong. Coincidentally the temple name of Wat Kalong can be mistaken for Luang Phor Kalong.
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Luang Phor Sood Wat Kalong |
In a legendary 'Robin Hood' story from Thailand, there's a guy named Teeyai whom is a disciple of Luang Phor Sood. Teeyai is said to be able to evade police arrest by wearing the Rian amulet and takrut made by Luang Phor Sood. The story goes on with Teeyai getting shot while running away from police enforcement officers after a robbery. Somehow, a stranger knowing that the person running was Teeyai, gave him a lift in his car and even drove pass a police roadblock without any problem. The police eventually caught Teeyai only after he misplaced his amulet given by Luang Phor Sood.
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Wat Kalong, Samutsakorn Province |
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Luang Phor Sood, Wat Kalong |
This miraculous Yant Takraw's ability was made potent by Luang Phor Sood using his arcane knowledge originated from Khmer and Laos. The Yant was created to protect the wearer from guns ammunition as Luang Phor Sood did that when a bullet is fired, it will not penetrate the skin, flesh and bones. Luang Phor Sood passed away on the 14th August B.E.2526 at the age of 81 years old.
Coming back to our original story line, we have clearly distinguished this Yant Takraw from Luang Phor Sood and Luang Phor Kalong. This typical yant is for a full-armored protective purpose.
Rian Narai Pleng Roop B.E.2549
Phra Narai is also highly respected in Thailand at all times due to the Ramayana's mystic and beliefs. Phra Narai is one of the three major gods in the Hindu cosmology. A manifestation from the Lord Vishnu, Phra Narai gives protection against all dangers, obstacles and provide strength to fight off all demons. The meaning and translation of 'Phra Narai Pleng Roop' is Lord Vishnu transforming shape or appearance.
The Yant inscription of Narai has been recorded in the book of war since ancient times. If someone called Phra Narai with full confidence, the god will come down to help that person. Characteristically Phra Narai highly respected both Hinduism and Buddhism since time immemorial.
Using the power of Luang Phor Kalong's skillful meditation mind to request the power of this yant to reside in the amulet. This yant strength is believed to exceed the power over the sky and earth. Thus, the characteristic of Phra Narai yant inscription have supernatural abilities.
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddha (recite 3 times)
Thero pi kho
Kan Tay Dewa
Sahut Saka Tang
Antanang Nimita Wana
Jool-la Panta Kho
Ni Sitthi AumPawa Nae Rung Mae
Yawak Kalapa
Watak Na thi ( recite 3 times )
When the wearer is in a state of danger from being harm with a sharp object, the weapon will not be able to penetrate his skin. However, do not try this at home because you will need some credibility in the Dharma. This medallion may also bring some good lucks to the wearer dependent on each individual's energy force compatibility with this Narai Plaeng Roop.
Rian Somdej Toh
This is by far my favorite Rian medallion from the Krob Sian Phra Lak '50 blessing ceremony. Solid and heavy, oval shape similar like a goose egg is the distinctive look of this Rian Ajahn Toh. This medallion is officially as Rian Cha Re Lerb Lang Somdej Toh Uhm Bart.
Featuring Arjan Toh on one side, and Luang Phor Kalong holding Lersi Pu Sing Samingprai's head on the other side, this Rian is so special in the sense that it features all 3 prominent figures in a single medallion. For those who keenly venerate Somdej Putthajarn Toh Prommarungsi Wat Rakang, this Rian would be a perfect match.
Buddha Buddha
Buddhe Buddho
Buddhang Araham Buddho
Itipiso Bhagawa
Namo Buddhaya (recite 9 times)
This batch was further blessed by Luang Phor Kalong at Wat Khao Leam before it went to devotees. There have been many incidents for those wearing this Rian with faith and we could consider this medallion as 'Pokkasap' in Thai which literally mean miracle or good experience.
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This Cha Re Lerb Lang Somdej Toh Uhm Bart is the first time Somdej Puttajarn Toh's image was designed in the form of a medallion. Previously issued Somdej Toh sacred objects are in the shape of Loop Lor figurines and Somdej votive tablet.
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Wat Khao Leam temple |
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Rian Cha Re Lerb Lang Somdej Toh Uhm Bart |
If our observation is correct then this Rian Cha Re Lerb may the 1st and only Rian medallion ever made by Luang Phor Kalong in honor of Somdej Toh, one of the greatest Buddhist master during the 19th century Siam Kingdom.
Lersi Saming Prai
Make from oxidized green Samrit metal "Korm Pan Pee (Mixture of antique alloy taken out from a Pagoda cell) and inserted with Nah Dtak Pon soil. This Lersi have high power in Metta Mahaniyom and it's famous and popular among believers and collectors alike.
In B.E. 2513 (1970) Wat Kao Laem in Sakaew Province was established by Luang Phor Kalong. Lersi Pu Ser Samingprai manifested into the vision of Luang Phor Kalong wishing to stay at this newly established temple. Upon learning this, Luang Phor Kalong built a shrine inside Wat Khao Leam for Lersi Pu Ser with helps from villagers. People who prayed at this shrine won lots of lottery prizes. In return people donated generously to the said shrine that was erected under the Makkha tree in front of Luang Phor's kuti till this very day.
Saming Prai Katha (Tiger Head Lersi)
I Si Ser Wan
Maha I Si Ser Wan
Sa Pu Li Sap Ser Wan
Maha Sa Pu Li Sap Ser Wan
Puthasa Ser Wan
Maha Puthasa Ser Wan
Sa Pha Lo Ka Eh Li Yang Nang Ser Wan
Eh Theh Nak Sa Che Nak Su Wa Di Huntu
Hulu Hulu Sawahak Sawahom
There are 4 different material variations in the making of this Lersi Saming Prai B.E.2551 batch. We have mentioned a lot about Lersi hermits and their supernatural Abinna ability. Experience shared by those whom have worn this Lersi is its manifestation of power will only come to the wearer after wearing it for up to 1 year with strong faith.
Hanuman See Gorn Phaeng Rid
The 4 arms Hanuman,emphasize on Kong Grapan,protection against enemy harm,increase authority and you can gain promotion at work.It had virtue in devotional meditation,impenetrable skin and alot of physical strength which was rather mysterious.
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Hanuman Plaeng-rit 4 Kon |
Katha Hanuman Plaeng-rit 4 Kon (4 Arms)
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (recite 3 times)
Om makani ak-phet
Phra Reusi samret
Haiku sam daeng-rit
Haknu-punik hik-hik-ha hanuk sang saktang
Yuk wapawa karamatik
Thanha toh-utt kuchak plaeng-rit
Chong-cha tleh hiknak-haknuk
Pakuni ka dueng deng
Lek-yong tawan hak-neh hakam
Buddhang pit phaya Hanuman plaeng-rit pit-duay Phra Buddhang
Dhammang pit phaya Hanuman plaeng-rit pit-duay Phra Dhammang
Sangkang pit phaya Hanuman plaeng-rit pit-duay Phra Sangkang
Aknik tasak, ak-uk-ak
Buddhang Sangkang toh klaew kaed
Phra chow-yong bat
Prati say wamik kongkli phek chak kong kong ak
Outstanding in protection.Good in gaining promotion at work,there was splendidness and Maha Amnaj(authority) as the Chief Commander Hanuman leads the army of Deva to conquer all the ten directions.
Phra Hanuman's amulets last batch was consecrated in B.E.2552 before Luang Phor Kalong's passing. All the Hanuman creations may look fearsome in the eyes of the beholder but make no mistake about its diverse functions when you're in need of His assistance in difficult times.
Katha Hanuman Plaeng-rit 8 Kon (8 Arms)
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (recite 3 times)
Namapata Namo Buddhaya,
Sang-saktang yuk-wa phawa
Om kongkli peth-cha kong
Kong-tua sala phan
Kai, karamatha, Kirimithi, Kurumuthu, Keremethe,
Hanuk-munik hik-nak-hak
Phra Buddhang chang-rik tripeth chak-kong chang rik
Phra Dhammang chang-rik tripeth chak-kong chang rik
Phra Sangkang chang-rik tripeth chak-kong chang rik
Ut-tang-at, ak-chang-ngang, ak-pawateh
Hanuman from Luang Phor Kalong has various usage apart from giving an all-rounder protection to the person wearing it. If you have one of these superb Hanuman, you may wish to recite the Katha provided here in order to enhance its efficacy for greater power in charming attraction and luck.
Phra Phrom
Phra Phrom - the four-faced Thai representation of the Hindu god of creation, Brahma. A highly popular deity among devotees in Thailand. The best place for worshiping Phra Phrom is at Erawan Shrine which is located in the city center nearby Siam Paragon area.
Lak Nak Thong
Lak Nak Thong is admired for its potent Maha Saneh and Metta Mahaniyom. This charming and admiration power is highly respected by Khon masks stage drama dancers. Luang Phor Kalong learned this sacred art in creating Lak Nak Thong from Kru Poeng. At first Luang Phor Kalong refused to learn this arcane science but later changed his mind after consistent persuasion from Kru Poeng.
Phra Lak Nak Thong's sacred power could bestow charm and admiration on the worshiper to become loved and being admired by whoever they meet. The making of Phra Lak Nak Thong is considered to be the most secretive and a heavily guarded arcane art in its entire history. The magical effects of Lak Nak Thong being a celestial Deva is highly desired for those seeking fame and admiration.
The characteristic of Lak Nak Thong is his golden body holding a miraculous dagger that makes Him greatly admired from the day he was born (in the Celestial realm). In the arcane magical sciences inheritance of Brahman, they usually use many spells from the Ramayana magical arts. For example, Phra Ram is usually reflected as the Master in the magical science for war and strategy while Phra Lak, the younger brother who has a golden body is reflected as the Master of great charm, merit and admiration power. Hence, Phra Ram and Phra Lak are like twin powers - the bright and the dark. Phra Ram is like the power of midday sun while Phra Lak is the opposite power of a beautiful moonlight.
This amulet can bring you Metta Mahaniyom (great kindness) from people around besides giving protection. Great blessing ceremony in the Krob Sian Phra Lak '50. Below is the chronology of blessing events for this batch of Phra Lak Nak Thong.
1. On 25 February 2007 a Dhevapisek Ceremony held at Wat BoonRod, Bangkok. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony leading with other 9 famous guru monks.
2. Puttapisek Ceremony Sao Har at Wat Suthat, Bangkok.
3. On 29 March 2007 in SuriyaKrat Suriyan-Jantra Ceremony.
4. On 19 May 2007 in SuRiYaKrat-KrobKroo MahaPuttapisek at Wat Suthat. LP Kalong is a master of ceremony together with many other famous guru monks e.g. LP Aun, LP Perm, LP Poon, LP Ied, LP Siri, LP Jur-ah, LP Pian, etc.
5. On 10 May 2007 in Wai Kru's Phra Pirab Ceremony.
6. On 16-24 June 2007 in Maha Puttapisek Ceremony held again at Wat BoonRod, Bangkok. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony together with 32 famous guru monks such as LP Pian, L Aun, LPYam, LP Siri, LP Perm LP Tim and etc.
7. On 30 August 2007 in Maha Puttapisek Ceremony held at Wat NongDong, Pijit Province. There are 80 famous guru monks joined in this blessing ceremony.
8. On 15 September 2007 in Puttapisek Ceremony at Wat PraDoo, Ayudhaya province by LP Sawat, LP Sao, LP Preecha, LP Ied.
9. On 13 October 2007 in Tay Thong blessing and Puttapisek Ceremony at Wat KowLaem, Sakeow Province.
10. On 20 October 2007 in Maha Puttapisek Ceremony held again at Wat Suthat, Bangkok. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony together with many famous guru monks this time around.
11. Full Moon Puttapisek Ceremony by LP Kalong himself.
12. On 20 December 2007 in another Puttapisek Ceremony held again at Wat Suthat, Bangkok.
13. On 22 December 2007 in Wai Kru Ceremony – KrobSian Phra Lak NhaThong.
The ceremonial blessings of this Lak Nak Thong batch took about 11 months from the beginning in February and lasted till December. There are several holy objects from Phra Lak Nah Thong's amulet series created - Powder based Rian medallion, Face Masks, Takruts and Look Om.
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (3 times)
Ohm Phra Puk Phra Luk Nah Thong
Suwun pudpong Nah Thong
Phra Puk Chai hen chai ruk
Sao hen sao ruk
Pooyai hen kor ruk
Pa gun soam-manus
Roo juk koo tuan nah
Mai wa krai
Na jubjit Mo jubjai Put yoang-yai
Ta loang-lai Ya rong ma ha gu
Pasasumma Patitami
Ohm Phra lang pen sang
Phra Lak Phra Reussi jub pakka
Phra Lak Jub Nah Jub Ta swaha
Na hen nah gu yoo mai dai
Mo Rong hai kruan krang Put gord wai mi krai wang
Ta Kruan krang sa-oen hai
Ya Loang-lai nai jit Ying dai Chai dai Dai peng pit hen nah gu
Kor yu mi dai Rong hai ma ha gu
Ohm Sitti gae gu sawaha
Ahi Chaiya Ahi Suppa Pechana Pahu chana ahi
Pray this Katha spell 3 times and then bring Phra Lak’s mask or rolled charm to circle clockwise around your face 3 times. This will arouse the power of the great charm, merit and admiration. Helps in strengthening the worshiper's prestige and fortune to succeed in business and wishes.
Phra Pirap
It has strength in authority,get rid of black magic and black mantra,exorcise ghost and demon and all kind of evil spell.If you are experiencing heavy bad luck it will be lightened. Phra Pirab is said to be the manifestation avatar of Lord Shiva, one of an important Hindu god in the Trinity.
Not many people are aware that Phra Pirab is a very powerful protective deity and also a deity of fortune. This batch was issued in early B.E.2551 after going through a strenuous ritual blessing in order to invoke His power. This is the only Phra Pirab batch known created by Luang Phor Kalong.
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Lord Shiva at Wat Khao Leam |
Contrary to shallow belief saying that Phra Pirab is a fearful demon wondering in cemeteries, but in retrospect Phra Pirab had chosen the path not to have any fame for himself and gave assistance to those wondering spirits whom have no protectors.
Phra Pirab is portrayed as a “nice demon” in the Ramakien epic story. Living quietly at a far corner in the Atsakan mountain where he raised animals for consumption. Phra Pirab is highly revered and worship by Khon cultural artisans. Khon masks of Phra Pirab appears in most part of the Ramakien folk story.
Video Clip
It's very rare to see masters creating Phra Pirab amulet due to the strict ritual. Any miss step in the ritual will bring life threatening consequence to the master. People taking part in the ceremony of paying homage to Phra Pirab must be absolutely attentive and devoted or else they will be cursed.
In order to make this amulet efficacious, the master must offer his own blood or else the amulet would not have any effect and furthermore put the master in danger too.
Once there was a master whom did not follow the ritual correctly and was cursed by Phra Pirab. A few days later the master had a serious car accident. During the lapse of consciousness on the way to the hospital in an ambulance, Phra Pirab appeared to him by saying that the blood poured at the time of the accident was used to compensate for forgetting to offer his blood during the time of the ritual.
No matter how fearful, if the amulet ritual is done correctly it would bring positive benefits. Carrying a Phra Pirab amulet or practicing its ritual is traditionally regarded as bringing the following benefits:
- Great opportunity and luck
- Powerful protection
- Brings out the charismatic charm and prestige in you
- Cure any grave disease
- Protect from any type of malevolent spirits
- Its carrier Returns sympathizing
- Brings fortune and abundance
- Cleanse and cure any black magic
Just to relate the tedious blessing Devaphisek ceremony, below is the chronology of event for the making of this Phra Pirab for the entire duration of 11 months.
The Blessing Ceremony
1. At Wat Boonrod in Bangkok on 25 Feb,2007 lead by Luang Phor Kalong with 9 other Buddhist masters
2. At Wat Suthat in Bangkok - on the Fifth Saturday of auspicious month
3. Another blessing on 29 March 2007 during full moon eclipse
4.On 19 May 2007 - Maha Puttaphisek held at Wat Suthat. This ceremonial blessing was lead by Luang Phor Kalong together with other prominent Keji monks such as LP Aun - Wat Rongkho, LP Prem - Wat Pomkaew Ayutthaya, LP Pool - Wat Baan Pan, LP Aead - Wat Pailom, LP Siri -Wat Tan, LP Juea - Wat Klangbangkaew, LP Pean - Wat Tooktaa, LP Khean - Wat Khowkitchakoot.
5.King Rama picture blessing in May at the Rajabhat Thonburi University on 10 May, 2007.
6. Blessing was also held at Wat Boonrod, Bangkok for 9 days & 9 nights from 16 to 24 June 2007. LP Kalong is the master of ceremonial blessing together with other 32 Keji monks; LP Aun - Wat Rongkho, LP.Prem - Wat Pomkaew, LP.Aead - Wat Pailom, LP.Siri -Wat Tan, LP.Juea - Wat Klangbangkaew, LP Sarun - Wat Dongnoi, LP.Lhum - Wat Samukeethum, LP Sri - Wat Nahpralaan, LP Tim - Wat Pra Khaw Ayutthaya, LP Yam - Wat Sam Ngam.
7. At Wat Nongdong in Pijit. Ceremony was held on 30 August 2007 by LP Pean - Wat Krengkratin, LP Poon - Wat Bannpan, LP Na - Wat Nongboua, LP Up - Wat Thongsai, LP Fuu - Wat Bangsamak, LP Sao - Wat Donyarnang, LP Preecha - Wat Khao-itti sutho and another 80 Buddhist masters.
8.On 15 September 2007 at Wat Pradoo blessed by LP Sawad - Wat Salapoon, LP Poon - Wat Baanpan, LP.Eead - Wat Pailom.
9.On 13 October 2007 at Wat Khoa Leam. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony and joining hands together to conduct blessing are LP Son - Wat Thoongpra, LP Ma - Wat Houykoonjae, LP Pan - Wat Nongtim, LP Rouy - Wat Nongree, LP.Dum - Wat Khaopoonthong, LP Weera - Wat Parsarlawun, LP Jern - Wat Loungkru, LP Chalerm - Wat Poungnimit.
10. On 20 October 2007 another round of ceremony was held again at Wat Suthat. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony together with LP Yaem from Wat SamNgam, LP Juea - Wat Klangbangkaew, LP Aup - Wat Thongsai, LP Pean - Wat Tooktaa, LP Aun - Wat Thummakhosok, LP Siri - Wat Tan, LP Tew - Wat Maneechon, LP Aouyporn - Wat Donyaihom, LP Sompong - Wat Maipeenklew, LP Somchai - Wat Panomchai, Kruba Chang - Wat Nongyaimow.
11. Ceremony on full moon (12th month) at Wat Suthat by LP Kalong.
12. On 20 December 2007 at Wat Suthat. LP Kalong is the master of ceremony and together with LP Yaem - Wat SamNgam, LP Juea - Wat Klangbangkaew, LP Up - Wat Thongsai, LP Pean - Wat Tooktaa, LP Siri - Wat Tan, LP Tew - Wat Maneechon, LP Sumeang - Wat Bangpra.
13. Ceremony to honor Grand Teacher ( Phra Luk Nah Thong) at Wat Suthat on 22 December 2007 was conducted by LP Kalong and LP Aun from Wat Rongkho.
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Rian Phra Pirab |
Luang Phor Kalong had intricately chanted this batch from the month of Febuary until December 2007 (B.E.2550). A total of 11 months were taken to complete all the arduous sanctification rituals for this batch. All the sacred items were released to the public the following year in early B.E.2551.
Phra Sivali
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (recite 3 times)
Nachaliti Chimpalicha Mahathero Lapha Lapho
Cha Devata Cha Laphanang
Sappa saneh hang Sappa saneha
Metta, Karuna, Mudita, Upekkha
Itipiso Bhagawa Buddho Cha Maha Lapho
Dhammo Cha Maha Lapho
Sangho Cha Maha Lapho
Buddhang Cha Maha Patang
Dhammang Cha Maha Patang
Sangkang Cha Maha Patang
Buddhang Cha Maha Lapang
Dhammang Cha Maha Lapang
Sangkang Cha Maha Lapang
Namo Buddhaya
Na-chong sadet mayu thang-sai
Tha-chong sadet mayu thang-khwa
Yak-khe duang ha-thai
Buddhang khe kiau tanha
Chong sadet khao mayu nai pak-khong khapachao Muea khapachao
Cheracha hai man lala lalang sappha laphang prasitimae
Nachaliti ehi ehi cittang Nama itti yangwa
Ehi ehi cittanama rachawa
Ehi ehi laphang
Ehi ehi cittawinyan
Ehi ehi kayawinyan
Ehi ehi thatwinyan
Ehi ehi rupawinyan
Ehi ehi chong riak ao ma tang rupat kanha
chong riak ao duey tha tangsi
Ehi ehi manut citta winyan tha
Nachaliti chimpalinang pra chimpali pra pupenchao
Chong sadet bandon
kau baisu duangchit, kau baisu duangchai
Tanghin tangchai hai-rak hai-krai
Tongchit tongchai tonghai man man ha
Ehi ehi a kat chaya a kat chahi
Ehi cittang piyang mama
Chong riak au ma tang sapasing khong tang puang
Hai man laima dang-Mae-nam
Phra-khong-kla laima nueng-nong
La ngern lapthong lap sappasing khong
Mangkhang ngern thong mumami mulamu manimu
Lama pokha phokang mangkhang sugang thanang
Satchang lapang kippa kippang
Citta winyanang masu khapachao
This long Katha version can also be used for Phra Sivali bucha consecrated in B.E.2551.
Phra Rahu
Loop Lor Payak Khiew Dab
This piece is made from holy from a 1,000-year-old sacred leads metal obtained from Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Inside this Loop Lor contained 7 types of holy soil mixture and grind tiger tooth powder, At the base bottom is covered with a small piece of tiger skin.
Contrary to popular thinking that this Payak Khiew Dab is invoked with Tiger spirit, in actual fact it is a spirit combination of bear and tiger to make this talisman highly potent.
Video Clip
Loop Lor Luang Phor Kalong
By far this is considered the 1st batch figurine statuette of Luang Phor Kalong in the batch called Krob Sian Phra Lak issued in B.E.2549. This Loop Lor has Luang Phor Kalong's hair, a small piece of 'Jeevon' or monk's robe, and tiger skin attached at the bottom of this figurine.
The unique feature of this Loop Lor is the sacred Yants that are individually scripted using an electric hand tool at the front, back and bottom of the figurine. Therefore, the Yant may not be identical. Howeve, each individual piece is prominently embossed with a temple code and serial numbering at the bottom.
The Yants on the surface (front and back) are not identical from one piece to the other because it's being scripted by temple helpers and monks at Wat Khao Leam. The total pieces produced for this 1st batch Loop Lor are;
Silver = 499 pieces,
Nawak Loha = 4,999 pieces
Takua lead = 9,999 pieces
This Loop Lor is considered rare nowadays and its supreme power in Maha Amnaj cannot be disputed. However, some of the Loop Lor may not have a small piece of 'Jeevon' or monk's robe attached. But from our observation this 1st batch mostly have a small round piece of Tiger skin attached at the bottom.
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Nur Nawak and Nur Takua |
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1st Batch B.E.2549 |
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B.E.2547 to B.E.2550 |
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Nawak Loha |
A powerful all-rounder protective talisman with highly sacred materials in a 'Bao Top' shaped Loop Lor figurine.
Loop Lor 2nd Batch
The 2nd batch of the much awaited Loop Lor was later created in B.E.2551. This second batch Loop Lor featured Luang Phor Kalong holding a Lersi head and inserted with holy powders and a piece of Takrut at the base of the statuette.
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B.E.2551 |
Loop Lor is very popular among collectors. This batch is also beautifully crafted, albeit without the tiger skin, monk's robe and hair of Luang Phor Kalong. However, the holy materials at the bottom is being substituted with a Takrut, coin code and minerals.
Takoh Maha Akrom
This is not the conventional Look Om. Its round oval shape may disguise its potential power in protection. In reality this is a Takrut incantation scroll in the form of a Look Om. The smelting process to make this Takoh Maha Akrom is consisted of 1,000 pieces of various Takruts collected from different masters throughout Thailand.
A short story relayed by my cousin not too long ago a fellow colleague was beaten up by more than 10 men. The brawl which took place at a pub in K.L. was a mistaken identity. This victim happened to carry only this Takoh Maha Akrom. After the ordeal, that guy related his story and said that he didn't feel any pain at all when we was being beaten up on that uneventful night at the pub.
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Takoh Maha Akrom with another Maha Saneh Look Om by LP Kalong |
To support this Kongkrapan protective power of this Takoh Maha Akrom, we have heard another experience coming from another authentic informer on his experience wearing this round shaped Takrut in an adventure paint ball shooting game. A small paint ball flying at high toward your direction can cause be scary not to mention the thrill of hide-and-seek and getting shot. Wearing helmet, eye goggle and a protective vest does not guarantee the whole body is covered against all the flying paint balls. There're still chances you can get shot at some uncovered areas of the body that will surely cause severe pain. One shot hit this gentleman's vital spot located at the neck that was not protected. Surprisingly he did not feel any pain or a swollen neck. The other chap got hit at the unprotected part of his body had severe pains for several days.
The story behind the making of this special Takoh Maha Akrom was that the 1st generation was created back in B.E.2549 in very limited quantity presumably Luang Phor Kalong was just testing its power before creating more.
The feedback from the Thai authority was its Kongkrapan was too hard and may proof to be a problem later if it is landed on the hands of the wrong people. For that reason, Luang Phor Kalong added more Metta power to give balance to the Kongkrapan function of this Takoh Maha Akrom. All materials and method of making remained similar to the 1st generation.
Khun Paen Saneh Maha Long
Equally powerful in the talisman series consecrated by LP Kalong is the Phra Khun Paen batch in B.E.2548 made from several different materials in limited quantities. The phim design of this Khun Paen batch follows the style of Wat Bankrang in Suphanburi. Its superb Saneh power was perhaps reflected in the name given to this batch called 'Saneh Maha Long'. Only one batch was consecrated by LP Kalong in that year.
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Khun Paen Saneh Maha Long |
Pidta Nak Tora Hod
Outstanding power for Kong Grapan (invulnerability to weapons harm) and wealth luck. Depending on individual's experience, some people may feel the mood of this Phra Pidta to be very "hard", suitable for defensive.
On 23rd February B.E.2550, just merely a year after this Phra Pidta Nak Tora Hod made its debut, a sensational story came out all over Thailand. It's a story about a novice monk at Wat Sutart whom escaped death when a drunkard stabbed this novice with a knife without penetrating into his skin.
A drunkard appeared from no where to Wat Sutart to beg money for his bus fare to go home. A novice named Samanen Uan was seen on his way to take a bath in the temple. The drunkard begged money from Samanen Uan but was courteously declined by Samanen Uan because he doesn't have any money. Samanen Uan then went straight to the bathroom. This made the drunkard furious and threw tantrum by throwing things all over the temple compound.
When Samanen Uan came out from the bathroom and saw what happened he began to scream for help. This made the drunkard even more furious and he whipped out a sharp knife and stabbed Samanen Uan. Samanen Uan was carrying 2 holy objects with him at that time of the incident - a Rian Narai Plaeng Roop and Phra Pidta Nak Tora Hod. Unbelievably Samanen Uan survived the knife attack and told his tales later.
When Samenen Uan arrived at the hospital, the doctor and police officer didn't see any open wound that is supposedly inflicted by the man's knife. Only red scratches were seen on his body torso. Although,there are bloods on his body but he did not really bleed because the blood appeared to be watery like glutinous lump.
We could not ascertain whether it's the Rian Narai Plaeng Roop or this Phra Pidta Nak Tora Hod that actually saved this young novice life. But we do know that both of this sacred amulet came out in B.E.2549 that was made with strong protective power.
Katha Pidta Nak Tora Hod
Anitang Na Ak Ang
Piti Gaya Ak Sung Sak
Pawahay Tang Ang Toh Uk
It Ak-Yak Tu Hay
Nak Bu Da Ya
Kong Kong Ak
Ang Ang Ak
Ang Tang Wu Toh
Toh Ut Tang Ak
Yang Tang Pi Mit Pit
It-ti Pit Na Pit
Arahang Buddho Sang-Mi
Pidta Nak Tora Hod received the longest period of chanting for almost 2 years before it was released in B.E.2549. Special feature of this Pidta is the Yant Orahang at the face, Yant Na Patthamang and Dok Muanlok at the knees, and Yant Dok Sorndok at its base bottom with serial numbers.
Phaya Moo Paeng Din
This auspicious wild boar gives prosperity at career, brings luck and attract strong wealth. There's only 2 batches of this Moo Paeng Din series been created. The first batch was created in B.E.2549 followed by the second batch in B.E.2550.
LP Kalong's Moo Plaen Din's are heavily decorated with sacred yantra and passed through various blessing ceremonies before its release form the temple.
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1st Batch issued sometime near the ending in B.E.2549 |
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1st Batch with Gold ornament and casing |
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2nd Batch issued in B.E.2550 |
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B.E.2550 holy objects issuance |
Video Clip
Rian Narai Kwangjak Jakapat
Extra large and extra powerful Rian medallion with Phra Rarai 'Kwangjak' in the Jakapat series blessed in B.E.2551 together with Takrut Narai Jakapat.
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Kwangjak Narai Jakapat '51 & Narai Plaeng Roop '49 |
Narai Tawat Himapan
Phra Narai serving as the Protector of the Universe is best depicted in this Rian. This Rian medallion is also known as "Tehshowchayakorn" batch to celebrate Luang Phor Kalong's 93rd birthday released on Songkran Day in B.E.2552.
This copper rian Narai Tawat Himapan brings great authority Maha Amnaj and protection against danger.
Phayak 5 Phalang Tiger
Known as the Five Phalang (Tiger) this is another powerful Rian medallion that is highly commendable for its superior protective and authoritative powers.
Among all the B.E.2551 issuance, this 5 Phalang is equally famous among other Luang Phor Kalong's collectible series due to its sacred yant inscriptions that are embedded onto the medallion.
This is an all-rounder amulet for personal protection and a great companion in career success. This Phayak 5 Phalang has several distinctive marks that makes it highly popular. At the front Luang Phor Kalong is sitting on a tiger flanked by Lersi Pu Sing Samingprai and Pu Ser Samingprai on each sides. A closed eye Pidta is seated on the upper left jeevon (monk's robe). At the rear there are 4 roaring Tigers at the 4 corners while another Tiger at the center-top with jaw holding a dagger.
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Phayak 5 Phalang (Thongdaeng Namman) Copper dipped in holy water |
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Phayak 5 Phalang (Takua lead) |
Some commentaries mentioned that this Rian medallion brings special luck due to the Lersi enhanced power. Apart from Maha Amnaj (authority and command) and strong protective power, this medallion is certainly an alchemist masterpiece using a combination of Lersi Pu Sing & Pu Ser, Pidta and Tiger yantra.
Because of this 5 Phalang phim's popularity, fakes are bound to flood the market. For study purpose, we have an example in the above. At this point in time there're A grade fakes already since 2002 that look even more real to fool the eyes of any novice collectors.
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Katha recitation Phayak 5 Phalang (Phayak Khiew Dab) |
Phaya KoChaSri Ban Lue See Nhat
Lion King or popularly known as Kochasri with extremely big foot possesses extraordinary strength, authority and good fortune. All these are the characteristic of a leader.
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa (3 times)
Singha natang Singha palang
Singha yaso Singha palang
Singha yaso Singha sati
Singha bhahu Iti mu li
Fiery Arrow Guardian Ox
Tanoo in Thai is ox. This is a golden ox in the sense that it ward off robbery, black magic attack and draw upon fortune. Suitable to hang on the waist level, this fiery arrow guardian ox is highly versatile for different applications and can be carried around anywhere you go.
The material of this Guardian Ox is made from ancient old Cambodian metals e.g. coins, swords, etc. that were buried in ruins. Luang Phor Kalong instructed his followers to the exact location in Cambodia to these thousand years old antiques back to Wat Khao Leam in order to re-use its strong emission energy to cast this Brahmanism divine bull. Subsequently this sacred ox was issued during a Wai Kru ceremony on May B.E.2551.
Phaya Khotchasan Prap Hong Sa
Consecrated in B.E.2552, this triumphant elephant defeating Hong Sa is a classic example of the celestial realm. At the base of this elephant is a mixture of holy wax and powder, a coin and silver Takrut.
Luang Pu Thuad Roon Trimas '50
Consecrated in B.E.2550 this material is made from Bailan (burnt manuscript) added with sacred magic powders with Chang elephant yant scripture. The elephant scripture is called Yant Phaya Chang Chat Than derived from an ancient magic book from Wat Pradoo Songtham.
The material description for this batch is Nuer Din Gak Yayak mix with Mai Ngiew Dam powder. The body of Luang Pu Thuad image is elegantly glazed with gold enamel paint for this showpiece. From this same batch some of this Trimas '50 do not have gold glaze. A total of 19,999 pieces are consecrated for this batch on 6 Maha Phuttaphisek blessing rituals led by LP Kalong and many other senior monks during that era.
Ajahn Toh Loop Lor
This statuette of Somdej Toh Prommarungsi Wat Rakang holding a bowl came into the dream of Luang Phor Kalong. Grand Mahaputtaphisek was held on 9th September 2009 (B.E.2552) at Wat Suthat in Bangkok. This was followed by a Devaphisek ceremony held on the 11th to 13th September 2009 by inviting Lersi Saming Prai.
Among the Buddhist Kaeji monks invited to the chanting ceremonies for this batch are Luang Phor Daeng Wat Houycha, Luang Phor Nuam Wat Phosrichalern, Luang Phor Aun Wat Thumakhosok, etc. Made from Nawak metal at the base of this statuette contained holy materials obtained from Wat Rakang's sermon hall ceiling. Every piece is inserted with a piece of Takrut.
For study purpose, Ajhan Toh's loop lor figurine early generation have been issued before dating back B.E.2545 and B.E.2550 respectively. Therefore, the one featured here B.E.2552 is considered the last loop lor every created.

Along with Ajahn Toh's figurines issued is also Luang Pu Tuad's figurine in both years B.E.2545 and B.E.2550. Compare the differences.
Locket Kiew Geow Prakasit
Imina Sakkarena Buddha Maha nuphawo
Imina Sakkarena Dhamma Maha nuphawo
Imina Sakkarena Sangha Maha nuphawo
Imeyanta Maha decha Maha-nupata-catika
Maha mangala Sambuddha
Antara Yewinasanti
Sappa Sukkha Sambuddha Anicca Gunanta Na Napako
Sappa dukkang, Sappa paiyang, Sappa rokhang winasanti
Sappa laphang, Sappa suphang bhavantumae
Satta tha-nang akan-thi-thang
Tat-tawa wishat-che-thang
Natasi ak-sissasit Taknuchewa sat-te-a-wu tanicha
Pakka Pakka wijunang-ni Lomang mame
Na Bhudsanti
Yatha bud mona, kluk krit-tina Mae Tohrani chuei
Na tho tini una
Na phut phappfret
Na santarang
Na yan-tangsantang
Wi-kleung klak le Sususama I
Buddhang khong nang
Dhammang khong nuea
Sangkang khong kraduk
Khong-tri duai Namo Buddhaya
Khong-tri duai Ma-a-uk
Khong-tri me a-ma-uk
Takrut Nang Seua
A sacred incantation scroll made from lead material wrapped with Tiger skin. This Takrut was issued in B.E.2550.
There are many Takrut series being produced for example Takrut Jakapat Narai B.E.2551, Takrut Narai Plaeng Roop B.E.2549, etc. You can find more of the other variations at the Super Fans Collection segment.
Takrut Dok Mai Sawan
This small Takrut is the shortest in the range of all Luang Phor Kalong's collection. Small and yet powerful in Metta generation suitable for doing business or sales persons. It has earned many nicknames including small little fire chilly or "Lart Chew Chai" in Cantonese.
Released in B.E.2550 during a Wai Kru ceremony at Wat Khao Leam. The quantity of this batch is the highest being made totaled 19,999 pieces as compared to other Takruts. According to Luang Phor Kalong the main ingredient of this Dok Mai Sawan is a special type of flower pollen collected from heaven.
Dok Mai Sawan's Blessing Events
1. Blessing to enhance luck for 1 year by Lp.Kalong
2. Puttaphisek blessing at Wat Boonrod on 1st April B.E.2549
3. Puttaphisek blessing held at Wat Suthat 8-10 July B.E.2549
4. Puttaphisek blessing again on 5 December at Wat Suthat
5. Puttaphisek blessing on solar eclipse in Mar B.E.2550 at Wat Suthat
6. Puttaphisek blessing on the 5th Saturday at Wat Suthat
7. Lp.Kalong's Wai-kru master ceremony on 19-21 May B.E.2550
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Dok Mai Sawan |
Takrut Narai Jakapat B.E.2551
Extremely beautiful this Takrut Maha Jakkapat Narai "Long Rak Pid Tong" has multiple blessings in the form of Kong Krapan Chatri (Invincibility) and Klaew Klaad (Escape from Dangers), Maha Larp, Maha Pokasap, Maha Amnaj (Authoritative Commanding Power) and the distinctive Lord Vishnu's great Metta Mahaniyom (Compassionate Love).
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Narai Jakapat Batch |
This Takrut Narai Jakapat was consecrated and issued in B.E.2551 together with the Rian medallion. The length of this Takrut is 6 inches suitable for placing at home altar. Occasionally you may put to wear on your body to test its multiple effects.
Katha Takrut Narai Jakapat
Itipiso Wisae Sae It
It Sae Sae Putta Na Mae It
It Mae Naa Putta
Tang So Eso Tang
Putta BiTi It
It Sawaa Sut
Sut Sawaa It
Na Mo Puttaya Phra Putta
Radtanayaan Manee Nopparat See Sahassa
Sutammaa Putto Tammo Sangko Yataa Put Mo Na
Putta Buchaa Tamma Buchaa Sangka Buchaa
Akee Taanang Warang Kantang Siwalee Ja Mahaa Thaerang
Ahang Wantaami Turadto Ahang Wantaami Taadtuyo
Ahang Wantaami Sappaso Putta Tamma Sangka Buchaemi
Takrut Samkasat
This small takrut 'Samkasat' (3 types of metals) solely consecrated at Wat Khao Leam. Early production scale in small quantity.
Bracelet 'Prakasit Maha Setthi'
Maha Setthi (Millionaire) bracelet issued in B.E.2551.
Other Sacred Collections


Tao Wesuwan - Guardian of The North
Tao Wesuwan should also be revered by businessmen, sales person, and anyone who wishes to increase his financial and material wealth. Also in times of hardship and poverty, one should revere Tao Wessuwan and he will enable you to have enough money to pay your bills and the cost of living with without any difficulty. It is interesting to note that in this present day Tao Wesuwan is more often revered for the material wealth aspect more than for his ability to fend off ghosts and demons.
Itipiso Bhagawa Yommarachano
Thao Wessuwunno
Morranung Sukkung
A-hung Sukkato
Na Mo Put Ta Ya
Thao Wessuwunno
Jatu Maha Raja chika
Yakka Phanta Pat Purito
Wessa Putsa
Puttung Arahung Putto
Thao Wessuwunno
Na Mo Put Ta Ya
(Repeat above chanting 9 times)
Phra Kring B.E.2547 (1st Batch)
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Gold Kring only 199 pieces was created |
The above is an old newspaper cutting showing the B.E.2547 batch from Wat Khao Leam for generating funds to the building of temple ordination halls. This marked the beginning for other consecutive batches until the final batch in B.E.2552.
Phaya Hanuman Namsap Chern Song Rajasee
Roon Raek the first generation Hanuman by Luang Phor Kalong consecrated in B.E.2547. This Hanuman Chern Song Rajasee was issued together with the first generation Phra Kring at Wat Khao Leam. This Hanuman first batch was blessed for 3 months before it underwent another 9 more major blessing ceremonies prior to releasing that year in B.E.2547.

Removing obstacles ahead, gain strength and vigor, gaining divine knowledge of the universe, subduing bad dreams, spiritual awareness, and encouraging good karma are some of the miraculous effects of Hanuman's benefaction. All batches of Hanuman talismans consecrated by Luang Phor Kalong (until the last batch in B.E.2552) each has its own different effects. Only the wearer can tell from his or her own experience.
Hanuman B.E.2547 Katha (Riding Rajasee)
OM Phra Hanuman Phra Long Gar
OM JuTi Lo Tang
SawaHa NaMaPaTa
NaMo Phut TaYa
Hanumana SungSaTang
YooWa PaWa
OM KongTrePetch ChaKong
KongTua SahRaPang Guy
GaRaMaTha GiRiMiTi
Gu Ru MuThu Gay Ray May Tay
HaNuHuNi HiNaHa
Phra Phut Tung Jang Lek
TreePetchChaKong JangLek
Phra Thum Mang Jang Lek
TreePetchChaKong JangLek
Phra Sung Kang Jang Lek
TreePetchCha Kong Jang Lek
Oot Tang Art A - Jung Nung
A - Pa Wa Hay NaLaNuLu song
Na A - WiWay
YaTaMa - A
Hanumana NaSung SaTang
SaWaHa SaWaHa
A-Hi It-Ti-RiT
(Repeat above chanting 7 times).
The uniqueness of this medallion is its powerful Pidta yant at the rear. This Pidta special features is similar to the famed Pidta Nak Tora Hod that was released later in the year B.E. 2549.
Phra Kring Narai Jakapat B.E.2551
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In conjunction with Narai Jakapat '51, this is to be considered the 2nd batch Phra Kring. The appearance is completely different amid more elegant from the conventional Phra Kring.
Lersi Samingprai Khon Mask
A fabulous khon mask of Lersi Samingprai issued in B.E.2552. Delicately hand painted and stuffed with holy powder mix, 3 pieces of Takrut scrolls, and a small Lersi emblem.
Phra Lersi Samingprai had played a crucial role by assisting Luang Phor Kalong in finding some of the most precious buried treasures for making great talismans from B.E.2547 onward. We are almost certain that Lersi Samingprai as a Teacher have great influence in teaching Luang Phor Kalong with occult sciences and alchemy of the highest level.
The Final B.E.2552
The proverb 'All good things must come to an end' holds truth in Buddhist doctrine. Nothing stays forever due to the flux of impermanence "anicca" that leads to suffering "dukkha" and then arises non-self "anatta".
This is one of the final Rian medallion that is rather special with Luang Phor Kalong holding Lersi Pu Sing flanked by Salika bird on each sides. A divine boar standing on clouds at the back of the Rian.
"All the sacred objects which I consecrated with my concentrated mind thereafter will be invaluable and will exceed the value of golds. It will eventually be even more difficult to come across than jewels."
The above prophesy statement was made by Luang Phor Kalong, a great celestial alchemist before his passing on the 12th of September 2009 (B.E.2552) at the age of 91 years old after serving 70 years in the Sangha Order.
Even though you may own just only 1 piece of Luang Phor Kalong's amulet in your possession, you never know some day the prophesy may come true in a miraculous way for your own benefit.
We have provided some Katha phrases for empowering the respective talisman in this article story. However, under any circumstances if you don't have the specific Katha to chant when wearing Father Kalong's amulet, just think of Luang Phor Kalong at heart and wear it.
To make it effective before wearing any amulet without their specific Katha, this simple guide
is for general use.
- Make your mind calm, think of all the goodness you have done. Focus all your faith to Buddha
- Put your amulets onto your palms and join your hands together
- Breathe in deeply and slowly
- Then chant 3 times of this core Mantra:
"Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Samuddhasa"
The above verse means we are now paying respect to the Lord Buddha who has done great goodness. Then request with your own language for his help saying "I, a humble one, invite the Lord Buddha and Luang Phor..... [name(s)] to protect me all day long and bring me good luck, victory, and fulfill all my wishes."
Then say the following
"BudDhang PraSitThiMae, DhamMang PraSitThiMae, Sangkhang PraSitThiMae."
The meaning of this verse is may Lord Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha (Triple Gems) bless all my request. Put the chain of amulets on your neck and wear it.
Alternatively, you may also use Luang Phor Kalong's simple verse. Make a wish while holding the amulet and think of Luang Phor Kalong for help in granting your wish. Then chant the phrase below for 3 times.
Uk - Ka - Sa
Uk - Ka - Sa
Uk - Ka - Sa
Thaprachao Kor Aratana
Pra Puttang Khun Nang
Pra Tammang Khun Nang
Pra Sangkang Khun Nang
Mak Ak Uk
Uk Mak Ak
Within a short few years there's been numerous fakes and replicas flooding the marketplace. As always throughout past history whenever an amulet gain popularity among collectors, the fakes and replicas will begin to surface. These so called the "1st generation fakes" are easy to spot but they will only improve to the next higher grade when the market value of genuine Luang Phor Kalong's amulets rise higher. So be wise and do your own research.
We've made every effort to ensure that all the sacred items published here in this article are genuine Luang Phor Kalong's talismans for the sake of information sharing as an occult amulet hobbyist collector. We hope the information here is sufficient enough as a good reading with all the necessarily basic knowledge to understand the alchemy of making powerful Celestial amulets. Apart from the smelting of a thousand years old material in the making, a high level Jhanic mind is an important aspect to make these amulets efficacious to manifest its power manifolds by this Crystal Tooth master.
Super Fans and Collectors
We don't simply call this Super Fans if they're not die-hard supporters of Luang Phor Kalong's miraculous amulets. Many stories have been retold by people whom have good experience wearing those holy Celestial talismans which make them highly desirable. Bulky and heavy, each piece has its own aesthetic spiritual value. Here are some of the greatest private collections we've ever seen from some super fans of the late Crystal Tooth monk Luang Phor Kalong.